Chapter 2 I will help

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Damian's P.O.V

"G-G-Grayson." I Said

"That's my last name but if you wanna call me that it's okay." Smiled Grayson

I then grabbed his hand and he helped me up. I then threw my arms around him.

"Woah kid, are you okay?" Asked Grayson

"I- I just missed you." I Said

"Kid-" Said Grayson before I cut him off

"And if you dare tell anyone I hugged you or that I admitted to missing you I will end you." I Said

"Well that's a little extreme don't ya think? And why would you miss me?" Asked Grayson

I then noticed Grayson wasn't hugging me.

"Come on Grayson you haven't seen me in forever and you won't even hug me. What's wrong with you." I Said

He pushed me off

"Kid why would I hug you when-" Said Grayson before I cut him off again

"Because you haven't seen me in a while speaking of." I Said before I punched him hard

"Ow Kid would you just-" Said Grayson again

"Never do that again you made me worry about you if you were alive you should've come back." I Said

"Kid-" Said Grayson before I cut him off once more

"And why do you keep calling me Kid that's-" I Said beige Grayson cut me off

"I keep calling you Kid because I don't know your name." Said Grayson

"Alright playing dumb huh I'll humor you just this once I'm Damian." I Said

"Well hi Damian this was a interesting experience but I need to get going-" Said Grayson before I cut him off

"You're not going anywhere you need to come home I'm sure Father is worried, and I can't believe I'm saying this but." I Said before I stopped talking and hugged him once more

"Can I have a hug please I missed you and I missed this." I Said

Grayson pulled my arms off of me. My face fell a little

"Grayson if you're still mad about what I said-" I Said before he cut me off

"Look Kid you need to stop." Said Grayson

"What are you talking about?" I Asked confused

"Kid I don't know you okay? Maybe there's someone else with the last name Grayson I doubt there is but you should go see if you can find them." I Said

I was about to speak before he beat me to it.

"And could you please stop hugging me I just don't feel comfortable." Said Grayson

"Grayson knock this off this isn't funny." I Said

"I'm not trying to be funny." Said Grayson

"Clearly you're still upset about whet I said but can you knock this off already pretending you don't know me. You're staring to scare me, and that's saying a lot." I Said

He put his arm on my shoulder

"Look Kid I'm sorry but I'm not pretending I wish I was the guy you were looking for but I'm not. I heard you say something about father and kid my parents died years ago so I'm sorry but I'm just not the guy you're here for." Said Grayson

"But-" I Said before Grayson's phone went off

"Hey Zander what's up." Said Grayson

"Look I'm sorry but I'm gonna be a few minutes behind this kid stopped me and wouldn't let me go." Said Grayson

"I'll tell you later but I'll try to get there as soon as I can." Said Grayson

"Alright tell the gang I'm sorry." Said Grayson

"Bye." Said Grayson he then hung up the phone

"Now Kid-" Said Grayson before I cut him off

"Damian." I said

"Sorry Damian but I need to get going now. I'm already going to be late as it is." Said Grayson

"I can take you." I Said without thinking

His eyes widen

"Look Damian that's nice of you but I think you're a little to young to drive." Said Grayson

"Who said I would drive." I Said

"Give me a minute I'll call him." I Said

"Are you sure?" Asked Grayson

"Yes it's... the least I could do for taking up you're time." I Said

"Well thanks Damian." Said Grayson with a smile

I walked a few feet a away and then dialed  the phone.

"What do you want." Said the voice

"Look I can't believe I'm saying this but I need you're help along with the other one." I Said

"I need you guys to come pick me up." I Said

"Father can't know this yet so I had to call you." I Said

"And why would we help you?" Asked the voice

"Because this is about Grayson." I Said

There was a pause on the phone.

"Alright I texted him we're on our way." Said the voice

"Hurry Todd and tell Drake he better hurry to or it will be the end of him." I Said

"Yeah whatever Demon spawn where are you anyway?" Asked Todd

"By Gotham University." I Said

"Where are you and Dick there?" Asked Todd

"Just get here I'll explain later." I Said

"Fine see ya later Demon spawn." Said Todd

I hung up the phone. I can't believe I had to get their help. But I can't let Father know yet. I then walked over to Grayson.

"He's on his way." I Said

Grayson just smiled. I will help you Grayson if it's the last thing I do.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2018 ⏰

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