Once Upon A Time....A Not So Fairy-tale Story

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I glanced absentmindedly around the familiar classroom. I could barely hear the teacher, Miss. Holly talking about some mathematical equation. She seemed as though she was nothing but a faint background noise. My eyes landed on the ordinary bland school style clock which read eleven twenty. I let out a long sigh as I rested my chin on the palm of my hand because this meant it was almost that joyous part of the day where I'm forced to at least semi interact with my classmates. I try to remain a loner and not draw any attention to myself but people seem to feel the need to greet me at least. Some were quite nice to me...and others not so much, like the mega b*tches. They pretend like that just because they are seniors its makes them better then every girl here. No one went untouched by their hash treatments. So far there were four girls that had to withdraw from the school and seek professional help just to function in their every day lives. The mega b*tches made these girls hate themselves. They convinced these poor girls to stave themselves, inflect self wounds that left deep scars and some even attempting suicide. Sadly no one dare try to stop them because the fear that they would be the next main target. 

My mind began to wonder as the classroom fades around me. My concentration in class seemed to get worse and worse as the anniversary of my mother's death gets to close for comfort. She passed three years ago and I still haven't came to terms with her suicide. It was so selfish of her to leave me with my so called father. As much anger as I have towards her she was still the only good memories I had in my life. When I was a little girl my mom used to tell me stories about princesses in far away kingdoms. I love them because in the stories the princesses escaped evil stepmother and big dragons. So if they could why could I? My favorite story was about a little princess that lived in a not so far away kingdom. She didn't live in a castle or wear the most extravagance dresses. She wasn't really a princess at all. Only in her mother eyes which seemed like more than enough. They live with a horrible monster that vowed that they would never leave him. Still every night her mother would tell her of all the place the would go and the things they would see once the escaped the horrible monster. I dreamed some day that would be me but my mother abandon me so I'm stuck. 

My train of thought was abruptly interrupted as my face was slammed against my desk. My hands instantly going to my nose. As the blood slowly but steadily flowed from my nose I looked up to see the queen b*tch herself, Brittany. 

"Opps. Did I do that? Well anything is an improvement to your fat@ss. You should be thanking me for being so generous to help....whatever you are." The words oozed with more b*tchyness then should be possible. She just stood there smirking at me. Without thinking I did by far the stupidest thing I have could have done at that moment. I took my very bloody hand and smeared the blood all over her designer blouse. As quickly as had done the deed Brittany snatched me up by a fistful of hair as tossed me to the ground. 

"B*tch if you EVER so much as breathe within 50 feet of me I swear you it will be the end of you!!!" She called for her minions as she headed out the door without so much as a glance in my direction. I laid there slowly breathing as I tried to convince myself that if I laid here long enough I would turn to dust and PUFF disappear. It wasn't until I heard Miss. Holly's foot steps and a sudden gasp that I looked up to see her wide eyes filled with worry. She grabbed the box of tissues off her desk and hurried over to me. I winced in pain as she pushed a wad of tissues against my nose. However she didn't seem to notice that she was causing me more pain because she was talking a mile a minute. Gently pushing her hands away I gave a weak smile. 

"I'm fine I swear. I think I just fainted from lack of food." I gathered myself together quick and bolted out the door before she could say a word to me. My head hung low as I made my way down the empty hallway. My attempt at quick pace failed me as a tripped of my own feet multiple time. I cursed at them aloud as I glared daggers at them. I wasn't paying much attention to what was in front of me as I slammed into a rock hard wall. I landed rather hard on my not cushy butt. I looked up to begin to tell off whatever wall rudely jumped in front of me. Instead of a wall before me I saw a person. His brown hair was messy underneath his beanie and untamed pieces stuck out the front, laying perfectly across his forehead. His eyes were an amazing light shade of blue that made me jealous and ashamed of my eyes.  

I snapped out of my trance when I realized his lips were moving as he attempted to talk to me.  

"You look horrible." He stated as he offered me a hand. I gladly took as he effortlessly lifted me up. I mumbled a quick thank you started walking passed him. He easily caught up to me in no time.

"You never told me what happened to you. Unless it a new style to wear blood all over your face." He raised his eyebrow as he spoke. I looked around as we came to a stop. Did he not notice that we are in the girls bathroom? 

"Y-you do know that your not supposed to be in here, right?" I dodged his question because I really didn't feel like lying again. 

"In the girl's bathroom?? Oh no!!" He let out an extremely fake gasp. "I'll never live if they find me!!! Quick hide me." 

I rolled my eyes at him as he his under the sink in front of him. Seriously? Was he five? Even though I was slightly annoyed I couldn't help but find him assuming. It's been a long time since I smiled. Yet here I was smiling because of a stranger. What the heck?!

Looking at myself in the mirror as I asset the damage to my face. Even though it looks like a fatal amount of blood I think I'll live. I might even get lucky and not get black eyes in the morning!

The blood from my nose was already starting to dry. So I was forced to scurb it off leaving under my nose raw and red.

As I finished cleaning myself up I noticed the stranger popping his head up from under the sink. 

"Who are you anyways? Because I've never seen you around here....not that I pay much attention to that sort of stuff anyways." Even though I tried to be a loner I had to admit that something about him sparked my interest. 

He pulled himself up to sit on the sink. "My name is Liam. I'm brand spankin new here. Actually I'm supposed to be going somewhere to do something." 

"Oh wow. Can't get into more detail then that?" 

"We should get out of here. School is boring and you look like you need a break." A gorgeous smile spread across his face as he pulled me out the door to some place unknown.

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