Wide Asleep

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Have you ever had a dream that feels so realistic you had to question if it was actually a dream or not?
I get this a lot. I'm an eighteen year-old female from England and I have CIPA.

This mean I have a lack of sensitivity to pain so I often injure myself without realising, so my life in general doesn't always seem real, I mean how do I even know I'm alive.

Anyway when I sleep I seem to have a re-occuring dream. Well I say that, but it seems to carry on every night. Like I'm living another life while I'm asleep.

Anyway in my sleep I always start in a white room, like a psychiatric ward, and it always ends there also. What I do in the day changes, and I always have a calendar and every dream is on the day after the previous dream.

Last week they made me to take some tablets in my dream in order to cure my 'illness'. It really affected me when I awoke. It's really strange, everyone seems to be more faded and I didn't even recognize my mom, it was like she was somebody I'd never meet before.

She had to show me picture of me and her before I could believe her, there was a guy also in the pictures. How strange... Now I think of it, I'm an only child and my father was never around. In fact, I don't even have photos in this house.. I just live in a black hole.

I found this computer today and this website loaded up like I was meant to tell my story but.. I must sleep now. Someone from my dream is calling my name.

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