Friday night

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(👆Picture above is an edit I made of Namjoon)

Tonight was the night they would have the tradition happen they had added 1 more thing to there tradition sinice they all wanted to see how good the movies they chose were so they decided when they got done with there movies before they watched lilo and stitch they would rate the movies from 1 to 10

Yoongi POV
Namjoon still wasn't here with his boyfriend so we all just entertained ourselves by talking to each other Hoseok and Seokjin were in a corner telling jokes to each other while taehyung and jungkook were talking about which games they would recommend to play I felt a slight ting of jealously but I didn't let it show through my expression

Me and jimin were talking about songs we would recommend to listen to "hyung I would recommend you listen to Bol4 Some its a really good song" "really jimin I've never heard of them" I thought no one had noticed I had been staring at jungkook and tae for a couple of minutes but then "hyung are you jealous" jimin said with a smirk

I looked at him with widened eyes "w-what makes you think that " "well for one hyung you just stuttered and you've been staring at them with that same look of jealously for two minutes straight" I felt my cheeks heat up as he confronted me "I don't know what your talking about jimin" "really cause I think you do considering your cheeks are as red as a strawberry" I looked away from him in embarrassment

When I looked away from him I locked eyes with Jungkook and he gave me his bunny smile that same smile I fell for right off the bat I gave him my gummy smile and he looked away with a slight blush on his cheeks 'how adorable can he be' I thought with a smile then went back to talking to jimin with a happier mood than before

Jungkook POV
Why is yoongi so cute dang him for being that adorable I had been staring at him and jimin with jealously in my eyes I quickly snapped out of my daze and looked at Tae to be met with him staring at Jin with jealously just like how I had looked at jimin and yoongi he was looking at seokjin and Hoseok with the same look "oooo tae are you jealous" I said to him grinning "No Kookie I'm not jealous of seokjin being close with hoseok" "yes you are Tae and you know it" "don't get to cocky Kookie I know how you were staring at yoongi and jimin" "I don't kno-" 


Yoongi POV
I was the first to get up I opened the door to see Namjoon and to who I think is his boyfriend looking at each other lovingly "ehm" I cleared my voice to get their attention "oh sorry" Namjoon said scratching the back of his neck awkwardly "it's okay Joonie mind to tell us who this is" I said pointing at the unknown man next to Namjoon "oh right guys this is my boyfriend Jiyong Jiyong meet Min Yoongi,Jeon Jungkook,Kim Taehyung,Park Jimin,Jung Hoseok,and Kim Seokjin

"You better not break Joonie's heart or I'll break your legs" I said sending him one of my deathly glares "okay it will be an easy challenge since I love him so dearly" Jiyong said with love in his eyes I could tell he meant what he just said

"Ok so are we just going to stand here or go get started with the movies" jin said oh yea we have to spilt up dang it I wanted to be with jungkook some more "yea you guys can go head and get out but I have to talk too jungkook for a minute" I said looking everywhere but jungkook's eyes "no it's fine we'll wait in the living room until your ready to go jungkook" tae said with a smirk

I grabbed his hand and dragged him to my room and I closed the door because this is going to be embarrassing "bunnybear do you have to go" I said clinging onto his torso "I'm sorry yoonyoon but that is appart of the tradition that we're creating tonight" I looked up at him with a pout "fine but can we cuddle a little longer" "yes we can Yoonyoon" I smiled at him and he smiled back I led him too my bed and we laid down "I love you bunnybear" 'wait what did I just say' but before I can think about it more "I love you too Yoonyoon" 'okay I regret nothing I just said not that I ever did but now I definitely don't'
Hey I just wanted to give some fluff to this book so that's how this chapter came out also

I grabbed his hand and dragged him to my room and I closed the door because this is going to be embarrassing "bunnybear do you have to go" I said clinging onto his torso "I'm sorry yoonyoon but that is appart of the tradition that we're creating t...

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Hehehe bye bye have a nice 🌞or🌙                                                              

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Hehehe bye bye have a nice 🌞or🌙

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