Chapter 8

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I woke up with sore muscles and a hand wrapped around my waist. I looked up to see who dose it belongs to. There I saw my husband, Lucifer, sleeping peacefully. I removed his hand from my waist and wore his shirt. I make my way to the bathroom. The bathroom was as beautiful as the whole mansion. I was surprised to see everything was according to my choice. I showered and wrapped a towel around myself. On exiting the bathroom I was met with a clean bed.
'I wonder who had changed the bed sheets' I blushed red while thinking about yesterday's night. Lucifer was surely not a vanilla lover. He loved it rough and raw. And he was true to his words, indeed. He didn't go easy on me neither he crossed the limits. He just knew my boundaries, where he stopped and let me rest.

I changed into a white sundress with a knitted Cardigan over it. I wore my glasses and slippers and went downstairs to search the kitchen. I was instantly met with delicious smell of pancakes and syrup. I followed the smell and soon found myself in the most beautiful kitchen I've ever seen. Many maids were working there while I was staring at them like a fool. Suddenly a hand wrapped around my waist. I instantly knew who it was.
Lucifer cleared his throat to gain attention. When everyone was looking at us, I squirmed under their gaze.
"This is Mrs Maisie Knight. My wife. Your Queen. I don't expect any kind of disrespect towards her. If anyone will say or do unnecessary things towards her, that means he's challenging me. And you all Better know not to challenge me. So follow the orders, or there will be consequences." He said with a heavy tone, full of authority. Like a alpha male. Like a king.
Everyone bows in front of me. I never felt so uncomfortable before as much as I'm feeling now. I shyly smiled at everyone. They returned my smile.

We sat down in the dinning table. I eat my breakfast in silence while Lucifer was checking the newspaper. The silence was not awkward. It was comfortable. After finishing breakfast, he said "Come with me. I want to discuss something with you, wife" and stretched his hand for me to take.
I took his hand and he pulled me up from my chair. We went upstairs and went to a room which I believe is his study. But this room was isolated from rest of the rooms.
'Maybe he hate noises during work' I thought.
"What are you thinking" he said while  sitting in the lather sofa. Then he tugged me, so that I was sitting in his lap. I was blushing so hard that it felt like my face was on fire.
"Hmmm?" He raised his eyebrow while smirking at me.
"Nothing" I shake my head.
He frowned and pulled my waist tightly, "Never, I mean never lie to me, wife. Because I certainly don't like liers", he whispered in my ears in dangerously low voice.
I was so scared that I just nodded my head.
"So what were you thinking?" He asked again.
"I wa- was thin- thinking.... I was thinking why you have your study so isolated?" I said in a timid voice. Husband or not, I was really afraid of this person.

He smirked and said, "I have my reasons, wife. But for now just know that you won't enter my study without my permission. I don't want you here. Only if I allow you, then only you'll enter my study. Am I clear?"
I was confused. But I nodded while biting my lips. His thumb removed my lips and he kissed me roughly.
I was out of my breath so I tried to push him. But he, being the rock, didn't move an inch, instead groaned loudly at me.
"St- stop" I whimpered. He groaned again but this time he bite my collarbone. Hard.
"And Never ask me to stop. Never" he ordered me while kissing my neck.
Suddenly his phone went off. I jumped at its sound. But he maintained his tight grip on me.
He was not paying much attention to his phone because he was busy kissing and teasing me.
I tried to push him again, "Your phone is rin- ringing. It might be imp- important". This time he stopped and received his phone. He start talking in different language but I could tell Lucifer was snapping at the person on other side. I felt sorry for that person. He hung his phone and cursed loudly,
" FUCK ". I didn't say anything because I was scared. I really don't like the angry Lucifer.
He stands up, making me stand up too. " Wife" he called. I looked up at him. "I've to go somewhere. It is very important. Stay inside the house and don't go anywhere. We will discuss some things after my return." With that he grabbed my hand and gently pulled me out of his study.

We went downstairs, where he called someone named 'Amy'. Suddenly an old woman came in front of us. She was wrinkled but she was beautiful. She had a motherly aura around her. She smiled at us gently.
"Amy. I want you to take care of Maisie. If she need anything, help her. And also take her to a tour of the house. Show her everything. Except my study." He ordered her. She nodded her head and replied, "yes Master". Lucifer turned to me and kissed my forehead before leaving.

After he was gone, Amy asked " would you like to have the tour now, madam? ". I was surprised with the word 'Madam'.
"Please call me by my name. My name is Maisie. And yes I would like to have my tour now" I said to her. She smiled sweetly and gestured me to follow her.
Amy was a darling. She made me laugh many times. She talked to me like a mother. I really loved her. Then she brings me to the mansion's library. It was beautiful. And I loved it. While going through some books, I asked her "why Lucifer don't like anyone to go to his study?". She smiled and politely said "Maisie honey, I'm not in the position to tell you the reason. Not only you, but  everyone's here is restricted to go to his study. But I'll warn you. Always follow his orders, or there will be consequences. He don't like people who doesn't listen to him". I nodded my head while thinking
'What is in his study? Why is everyone forbidden to go there? Why people are so scared of him?'

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