Chapter XXVIII - Hard Time

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Jason is walking back to his cell when someone tries to blindside him
Jason moves out of the way and knees him multiple times in the stomach and then knocks him down with a powerful hit to the head

Jason gets to his cell and sits down while he notices his new cellmate arriving with the most feminine walk he's ever seen

Jason: Ah shit. Clayton: Hi. You're Jason Allen aren't you, everyone around here has heard about you. Jason: I've noticed. Clayton: My name is Clayton, but people call me delicious.

Jason pauses to think about what he's just heard

Jason: I'm going to refer to you as celly. Clayton: That's alright, I get that a lot. I'm also known by another nickname. Jason: No, no no, celly is fine with me man. Alright I'll give you a quick heads up, in here watch out for that guy, his name is peaches, and that's cherry right there. Oh and that dude that's AK-47, he'll kill you if he gets the chance.

Later during lunch Jason is looking for a spot to sit

Peaches: Hey Jason why don't you sit here with peaches, why don't you come talk with peaches, you know that tables full. Jason: Fuck.

Jason ends up sitting alone and notices gang people coming up to him

Glock 19: Hey lone wolf, you're looking a little lost. Jason: Glock 9, I've been here how long? Yet here you are trying to extort me. Glock 19: You have no alliances, no associations, and because of that you have to pay us $100 weekly to live in this jail.

Jason now annoyed stabs Glock 19's arm with the spork and hits him hard with the tray knocking him down
Glock 19's two friends come to help and grab Jason from the back and put him in a full nelson

Gang member: I'm going to fuck you up!

Jason uses his legs to jump off him and flip over causing the hold to break, now Jason has the person holding him in a choke hold and chokes him out
The gang member he kicked takes a shank out and proceeds to try to stab Jason but Jason is too quick and disarms him
The gang member ends up walking away

Jason goes back to his cell

Jason: Hey celly you good Clayton: I'm good Jase.

Jason sits down

Brian: Knock knock homeboy. Jason: Brian have you spotted Colton yet? Brian: He's been dodging me, little bastard is crafty. Jason: Find him! My release date is close, so when you do, tell me, that son of a bitch is mine!

A prison guard goes into Sionis' office

Prison Guard: Sir, the decoy worked, Javier and his band of clowns are off to blůdhaven to look for the artifact your decoy mentioned. Roman: Good, with them out of the city, I will reign over this city, and I will make sure they never return.

Jason's housing unit goes into lock down

Clayton: What's going on? Jason: I don't know.

After 3 hours of lockdown a new prisoner arrives and all prisoners leave the cell

Jason: AK, who's that. AK-47: That's Brandon Westoby, his crime and court case has been all over the news lately he's in here while he waits to be transported to Iron Heights to serve 2 life sentences. Jason: What'd he do? AK-47: He killed his ex girlfriend with a shotgun, and then he killed her sister. It was so bad that cops at the crime scene were vomiting cause of how gruesome it was, bastard is proud of it too. Jason: Too bad he isn't going to make it to Iron Heights.

Jason walks away

Jason: My release date is in 3 days, with no sign of Colton anywhere and now the arrival of Westoby, the next 3 days are, going to be something.

Jason notices two prison guards in the corner attacking Clayton

Jason: What the hell?

Jason runs across his floor and drops onto one of the guards and backhands the other guard and knocks him out

Jason: Why were they beating you? Clayton: It was because I'm gay. Jason: How do you know. Clayton: They called me a fag, and then they told me I was going to die in here. Jason: That's, that's awful. I think you should consider going into P.C. Clayton: No I'll be fine.

Brian: Jason! We found him.

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