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The clothes Danny is wearing in his human form is the same as the picture

Danny's P.O.V

I am talking with my spiritual dad Clockwork and he asks to talk with me in private. We go into a room with no one and tells me to sit down. "Danny there's something I want to tell you" Clockwork says with a grin. I look at him expectedly. "First I want to give you some thing" He grabs something out of his robes. "Here" he says. I take the 2 boxes in his hands and open them. My eyes widen at whats in side the box. "Why did you give me the crown of fire and ring of rage dad" I ask him. He then proceeded to tell me that I am now the prince of the ghost zone and will be crowned king when I'm eighteen. My mouth and eyes are as big as tennis balls and I stand up. "Close you mouth or you'll catch ghost flys" Clockwork states. I finally calm down and sit back down. Dad tells me to put on the crown and ring. I do as he says and put them on when a bright white light blind me. When the light dies down in in my ghost form and I have a black shirt with a white hoodie on with the DP symbol where the breast pocket is. I also have black ripped jeans with white boots and white gloves as well as the ring of rage and crown of fire. I ask clockwork why I am now wearing different clothes. He tells me its because of the unlocking of my power he also tells me that something else interesting will happen soon and the rest of my powers will soon come he says with a grin. We leave the room and I notice everyone is staring at me. We walk to the front on the room when Dad tells every one that I am the prince of the ghost zone. I wait for a while waiting to see the reactions of everyone if front of me after a minute everyone starts cheering causing me to smile.

After 30 minutes I go to talk with my best friend and girlfriend. "Hey Sam, Hey Tuck" I say. They turn around and smile at me as Sam says "prince huh". I blush and look and say yeah with my hand rubbing my neck. I laugh awkwardly. I wonder what dad meant be something interesting will happen soon and the rest of my powers will come. "So guys are you hungry or thirsty cause I can get you something they both say no. " I guess this will make more valuable to skulker right buddy" Tucker says while elbowing me in the side. I sigh " Yeah unfortunately now I have to be even more careful than before" I groan. "Also walker might come after you as well" Sam states. " Yeah well I have to go if I'm late again my parents will kill me bye guys" I say and leave.

As I'm walking I hear a strange sound and look down to see a portal. As I look down I notice I was falling into it. After a few second my vision gets blurry and I black out.

Clockwork P.O.V

"All is as it should be"

Danny's P.O.V
Time skip

I wake up with a pounding headache and I'm in a house that looks like a log cabin and I am in my human form.
A boy with long silver hair with ears sticking out of his hair and has red robe on walks in. " Ah seems your awake kid so whats a half demon fox like you doing here" he says. I look at him like he's grown a second head. He grabs a mirror a hands it to me I look at it and see black fox ears resting on my head. I stare wide eyed at my head and then feel something on my leg I look down and see a tail. "WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!" I yell. I finally calm down and think about what dad says and finally realize this must be what dad meant by "powers". So I'm a half demon half ghost greeeaaat. " so who are you? My name is Daniel Fenton but I prefer Danny" I say. He says that his name is Inyasha.

The Fox Ghost (Danny phantom and Inuyasha crossover)Where stories live. Discover now