Chapter one

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Danny's P.O.V

I was thinking about why the portal that sent me just suddenly opened up under me when I realized that I hadn't answered Inu's question as to why I was here. " To answer your question as to why I'm here since I have not answered yet, I was walking home from the ghost zone when suddenly a portal opened up under me and now I'm here" I sum up. I don't know why I'm telling him this but I feel as though I can trust him. He asks me what the ghost zone is. I tell him it is the place where ghosts reside. " Why were you in this ghost zone if its for ghost?" He asks. " Well I'm half ghost and I am also the prince of the ghost zone." I state. He looks at me wide eyed for a moment before asking why a kid is prince of a place and how I was half ghost. " One I'm not a kid I'm fourteen. Two I was in my parents lab looking at there ghost portal and they could not get it to work so I went in to see if I could help. When I went in I tripped over wires and pressed the on button that for some reason was on the inside of the portal and I got shocked and half died." I explain. I switch to my ghost form to help prove im a ghost. I notice that as a ghost I still have the ears and tail just there white and glow like I normally do as a ghost as well as the crown and ring. Inuyasha looks at me impressed then asks me what a lab was. To say I was shocked was an understatement. How can someone not know what a lab is unless... Oh no don't tell me... I went back to the past! "Nooooooooo!" I yell. Inuyasha asks whats wrong. I say that I'm stuck in the past. I don't know how I knew I was in the past I just did maybe dad helped a little with me knowing. Inuyasha looks at me suprised. " I only know one person that if from the future and thats Kagome maybe I can bring her to you when she gets done with her work." He says. "Ok" I say.

2 hours later

" Inuyasha I'm home" a girl shouts.
She come in and sees me on the bed talking to Inuyasha and and asks who I am. I tell her who I am and that Inuyasha found me out in the wood and I'm from the future. She comes up to me and looks at my ears and starts petting them. I purr at the contact of her touching my ears. The girl starts giggling while Inuyasha is glaring at her. I stop and ask what her name is she looks at me and then said that she was sorry it completely skipped her mind and told me her name is Kagome. She asks me if I'm hungry I nod. I ask her if she can help with the whole I'm from the future thing. She tells me she doesn't know how to get me back because the she goes back isn't the same as me because I didn't come from the well but will try everything she can to help. She then left to get dinner.

After about 30 minutes she comes in with chicken and a small salad for everyone. Inuyasha groans and mumbles something about ramen. Even with my advanced hearing I couldn't hear him. After dinner we all go to sleep.


I was in a cave and I saw some kind of demon with spider legs and other things and plasmius talking together around a table. I couldn't hear what much of what the were talking about all I could here was " we.... Together....destroy ........ Demon........half..........ghost .......plan...".
Thats all I could hear of the conversation when I woke up

Dream end

I woke up panting and I got up to look for a pencil and paper I luckily found one and drew what I saw from my dream and then went back to sleep and in the morning would show Inuyasha a Kogome the picture to see if the know who the demon is.


I wake up to and go in the kitchen to see Inuyasha and Kagome in the kitchen. I grab my drawing and show them it and say it was in my dream last night. They look at the picture in horror and ask me if I know the people from the picture I tell only the ghost since he is my arch enemy. They look worried and then I ask who the other guy is. Inyasha answers with a growl Naraku. "I hope your dream is not true cause that means that Naraku has risen and is now working with your enemy". Kagome states. " But thats impossible Plasmious is stranded in space how is back here on earth". They both say they don't know and they need to find a way to defeat him and Plasmious. We all go out and find miroku and Sango with their children and Shipo. They see me and have on a confused face until Inu and Kagome explain everything including the part with Naraku and Plasmious.

We all decide were going to find a way to defeat them but we need a plan. So we looked for ways to defeat him when we came across a scroll saying that there were six jewels that belonged to the first priestess ever to roam the land and their jewels will go to six individuals in order to defeat a threat like no other they have seen. The pink one (The shikon jewel) will go to a reincarnated priestess, the red one will to the half dog demon, the blue one will go to the demon slayer, the purple one will go to the monk, the orange will go to a young Fox demon, and the last one the white jewel will go to the half fox demon and half ghost. These six will be able to defeat the oncoming threat once they find the six jewels that have been hidden around the world. We all immediately new it was us that it was talking about the only thing was how are we going to find them. I kept looking through the scroll I find something at the bottom says once were close to the jewel we will be able to sense it and then find it.

We all go to our houses except me since I don't have a house so go and bunk with Inu and Kagome. Once we get to the house we have dinner and discuss everything about the jewles. Kogome tells me the Shikon jewel was destroyed so how would we be able to get it. I say that maybe it came back and is somewhere hidden on the Earth.

After the discussion we all decide we should go to sleep so we have enough rest to go searching for the jewels.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2018 ⏰

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