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Later that evening I heard Rachel desperately calling my name and banging hard on the door, as soon as I got home I showered like I was trying to wash my soul. After that the entire day was kind of blur, I was still mortified to even think what would've happened if Ezra hadn't saw us making out. If I ever see that Chris guy again I'll make sure to kick his balls so hard they will never descend back.

Time flies I guess. I hadn't realized I had been sitting here in the kitchen counter since afternoon. I didn't try to stop my tears that were continuously flowing. I was lost, nothing seem to fall in place. It felt like the universe was taking revenge on me. Punishing me for the crime I didn't commit.

I finally stood up, quietly opened the door. "Oh my god...Leila" Rachel said the second she step inside my house. She embraced me in a hug and started crying repeatedly saying I'm sorry.

 She embraced me in a hug and started crying repeatedly saying I'm sorry

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"What are you crying for?" I asked her slowly.

"I'm the world worst friend; I don't even deserve your friendship. Leila I'm really sorry." She said hugging me tight like she would've lost me forever if she let go of me.

"It's okay...You didn't knew Rachel." I said slowly. I felt bad for not saying much but I was tired; tired of taking care of everyone and everything.

I took a step back, I wryly smiled at her. "Leila?" she asked.

"Hmm?" I said lost thinking nothing in particular.

"Talk to me, tell me what you're thinking." She whispered.

"I'm tired Rachel. Tired of everyone and everything." I said still lost.

"Leila... You know I'll always be there..." she said but I cut her off.

"Maybe always is not what I need..." I said thinking.

"Maybe I don't deserve..." I trailed off

"Don't you dare Leila. If there's anything you deserve then it's everything. Every happiness that is out there has your name written on it with glitters. You deserve the love, the care. IT WAS NOT YOUR FAULT LEILA. It was not in your hands." She yelled.

"I get it okay. It's a lot of horse shit to handle." she was trying her best to keep the dirty words inside her mouth.

"I'll make something to eat. It looks like you're starved. Then you take a nap okay?" Rachel said walking past me. As I enter the kitchen, warm delicious smell of cheese and macaroni greeted me.

I gave her a real smile. She had already started eating. "You started without me?" I fake frowned at her.

"Getting cold." She said her mouth full, cheese dripping from the side of her mouth. Pig! But then I am no different.

We talked about yesterday party leaving the part where I was drugged. She told me how Luke spent the whole night with her, listening her talk.

"You are one lucky bitch!" I said laughing. We were talking as if nothing happened a moment ago.

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