Stop Trying To Get Me Back I Am With Niall Not You So Back Off

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    Lauren's pov:

Good morning lauren oh hey babe hey oh no I are going to be late to work wait, wait lauren where are you going? I have to go to work oh come on why don't you stay I can't ever since the kids were born I had to get off work to take care of them and then when my mom said that she could pay for the kids to go to a daycare so I can work and now I ah e to go or I will not get payed so bye babe see you later ok bye.

Ok fine bye I will be hone later ok bye sweeter.Hey Lauren you are five minutes late I know I am sorry ok hey we are having a new worker here today I need you to teach him want to do ok when is he getting here?right now ok who is he?just watch Liam oh you know him?ya I do oh well get to work.

Hey want the funk what are you doing here? I am working for my kids because I am not going to be on tour in 1 month fine but just to tell you I have a boyfriend so leave me alone fine let's start work ok.

Hey can you please get that person? yes I will ok. Hello want can I get you today? niall when did you start to work here? just here and here Is a thing lauren is mine she was kissing me in the backroom so she is dumbing you and coming back to me she would never do that to me can you please go get her? no because she is mine lauren oh hey babe want is liam doing here? he works here oh well I was wondering when do you have your lunch break? right now oh ok let me grab my purse ok I well be right back.

Hey lauren are you ok? ya I am Liam let me go no why should I? because I have a boyfriend no. (liam is makeing out with lauren and niall saw you) Lauren why are you making out with liam so broke up with you I told you I through that was not truth but cause it is bye lauren, wait niall it iis not want it looks like I love you niall liam just kissed me I tryed to push him but he was too strong for me I am in love with you

then prove it to me kiss me fine here look. (lauren kiss niall) find I believe you lauren I'm sorry but I was sad that you were making out with him I know I am sorry but I try to pull away but he would not let me but I love you niall I love you too lauren hey lauren come back babe I am not your babe and Robbie I quit want no your can't quit.

Robbie I quit too no liam get away from me liam she is my girlfriend not your anymore so back the funk off fine but I will have you back someday get out ok niall I want to go home I have so much drama today that I need a nap ok let's go and we have to pick up the kids from daycare ok let's go and Lauren I love you I love you too niall.

Hey lauren my manager is calling me so I will be right back ok bye babe be right back ok.  Hello niall we are going on tour next week so get ready bye wait... Hey lauren can I talk to you? yes want do you want to talk about? my manager called me and said that I have to go to tour next week can I came with you I can see if my mom will watch the kids for a while how long is the tour three months ok I will ask my mom ok let me go and ask my manager if you can come ok well I am going to call my mom ok.

Hey mom could you watch the kids for three months so I can go to tour with niall? wait I through you were dating liam? well I was but then I broke up with him long time ago ok fine I would love to watch them for you ok thank you mom I love you, I love you too sweeter

Hello niall want do you want? I want to see if I could bring Lauren with me on tour? ya you can but she can't bring the kids ok ya she is not ok well I will see you later o and Niall you have to be at the airport on sunday night ok well bye.

Hey my mom will watch them and I can bring you with me on tour ya ok and I have to go to the airport on Sunday night ok, ok well I am going to sleep ok hey can I layed down with you? ya you can come on ok goodnight niall goognight lauren I love you niall I love you too lauren goodnight love you.

This is the end of this book so I hope you like this story and vote and comment on this story bye and I am a liam's girl by the way I want to marry him so who in the band do you like please tell me.

Hey guys hope you like this story and vote and comment on here.I have been camping while I am writing in this story so it make been a little bad but I will fix it later.

What is your favorite song of One Direction?

I am did with this story but I am writing more stories on wattpad but for this story I am done and I hope you like this and I love that you guys are reading this and this is my first story so far on wattpad bye guys.

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