Part One

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Izuku Midoriya woke up feeling drained, he sat up slowly and rubbed the sleep from his eyes.

"Izuku? Are you awake sweetie?" Came his mothers voice.

"Yes momma, I'll be out in a minute." Izuku spoke, he heard her footsteps walk away.

He stood, put on his clothes for today and went to brush his teeth and wash his face, not bothering to attempt with his hair and walked to the kitchen, pancakes and a glass of orange juice was waiting for him, he ate in silence and Inko stared at her son in sadness, oh how she wished she could help him.

"Are you ready for school?" She asked gently, Izuku shallowly nodded his head, Inko grabbed her keys and purse and handed Izuku his school bag and they left the house, Izuku clutched his mom's hand as they headed down the sidewalk and to the school.

Izuku wasn't looking forward to class, yesterday his dreams were crushed, his future yanked from his four year old hands before he could even fully grasp it.

“Sorry kid, it's not gonna happen. Looking at the evidence, it's obvious that you won't develop a quirk.”

Izuku looked up at the school and then to his mom, she kneeled down and hugged him tightly.

“Have a great day my baby, I'll be here when you get out okay?” Inko spoke, he nodded.

“I love you Izuku.”

“I love you too Momma.”


“What your quirk Midoriya-kun!?” A child asked, Izuku sat silently before whining when Bakugou roughly put his arm on Izuku’s head and leaned on him.

“He doesn't have one! The loser doesn't have a quirk at all! He's a useless, quirkless dork! Hahahaha!” Bakugou roared and everyone laughed, Izuku bit his lip.

This was why he didn't want to go to school today.


“Hey Izuku! The quirkless wonder!” Someone yelled, Izuku snatched his lunch and ran to the roof, where he always ate, he wouldn't be bothered up here and he could enjoy his half hour of silence.

Izuku wiped away his tears as he ate his rice, he sniffled.

After a while, he pulled out his All Might figurine.

“I wonder…if I could ever be a good hero…like you…” Izuku whispered.

“Poor child. Poor, sweet, innocent child.”

Izuku whipped back but saw no one, his heart rate picked up a speed or two.

“Don't you wish they could just leave you alone?”

“It's not your fault your quirkless…”

“W-Who’s there?” Izuku asked.

No one answered after that, Izuku held his All Might figurine. All Might give me strength…

“S-Show yourself!” Izuku yelled, the only sound being the wind whisking around him.


Izuku rushed down the stairs and sat in his seat, he looked around.

“It wasn't a voice I recognized...who was that I heard?”

“Hey Deku!” Bakugou yelled slapping his hand on the table, Izuku jumped at the noise and looked up at the explosive blonde.

“W-What do you want Kacchan?” He asked.

Deku is the name of a villainWhere stories live. Discover now