Chapter 2

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Author's Note: Hey guys, I hope you liked the last chapter. I know it took me like two days to write it, but I couldn't start it for some reason. Then I couldn't make it long enough. It made me so angry. But, I hope you guys liked it anyway. I hope I didn't make Zayn sound too emotional. I did tweak his personality a bit, but I think it fits, eh?

This chapter is hopefully not too short. I suck at judging length :c Well, anyway, I hope you like this. It takes place one month after the first chapter. I love you all, and if you like it, vote, comment, and such? c:

*Harry's POV*

I miss him so much. Why did he have to leave me? Oh, lord, why?

I cried softly into my pillow, just like I've done every day for a month. I couldn't fathom why he had left me, my mum, the boys. Just... Why?

There was a gentle rapping on the door, followed by one of the boys walking into my room. "Haz, love, you need to come eat,"

Lou. Oh, God, it had to be Lou. He had loved Louis so much, but was so scared to admit it... Now he's gone.

"Hazza, come on," Louis moaned, lightly tickling my feet.

I groaned inwardly and sat up slowly, my head aching from my crying. "I'm coming, I'm coming,"

As soon as he left, I stood and threw a shirt on, leaving me in boxers and a top. I made my way down the stairs, taking my normal end seat at the table. I ate my meal quietly, listening to the other boys chatter away. It was quite fun, actually, listening to them. Niall was void of any manners when he ate, just chomping food down like no tomorrow. Liam was pretty proper and polite, unless Lou said something hilarious. When that happened, everyone cracked up. Even I chuckled a bit. Louis definitely dished out some serious banter. The boys were never really offended though, like some people would be. Then there was Zayn, so quiet and sweet. Of course, I somehow fit into the picture, but I'm different, like the outcast of the household. I eat and sleep and that's about it. I ignore the boys, I ignore Twitter, I ignore the world, really. Ignoring the boys is hardest, though.

The first few days it was awkward, but now they pay no mind when I ignore them. It's actually become routine. Before, they'd try and try to get me to explain to them what had happened, but after awhile, I just can't started to work. Technically it wasn't a lie, and it allowed me to just continue ignoring them. I mean, I love the guys, but I just can't afford to screw this up. Any mistakes, and the band will be destroyed. I can't let that happen. I can't let him down.

Niall had given up first. He tried so hard, like the other guys, but the poor blonde boy just couldn't crack me. Then Liam quit. I always admired Liam, even before... I guess he just understood that I needed space. Louis was the most recent. He finally couldn't stand seeing his “Hazzabear” so sad. If only he knew... Then, there was Zayn. I just don't know about Zayn... He tries sometimes, but others, he just ignores me back. I know that it's my fault, but for some reason, I resent him for not putting in the effort. The other guys have tried and tried, but Zayn just “gives it a go” when he feels like it. The more I pushed the others away, the more fervent their attempts became. With Zayn, the more I pushed, the more he sunk back. For some reason, I didn't like that, but it happened anyway.

*Zayn's POV*

I eyed my food, moving it around my plate. I wasn't hungry, but I knew Liam would flip if I didn't eat, so I tried to anyway. Niall was already getting a third serving of food.

God, that leprechaun has a tape worm, I swear.

Liam and Louis were talking about God knows what. I just tuned it all out. I glanced at the opposite side of the table, where Harry sat. God, he looks so miserable. I wanted to help him so badly. Ever since he came home, he's either holed up in his room or curled in a ball watching the telly. No banter, no goofing off, not even a bit of cheekiness. He just... wasn't Harry. Sure, he looked like Haz, talked like Haz, and sang like Haz, but he was just an empty, hollow resemblance of the Hazza we all knew and loved. I missed him, as much as the others did.

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