My life will never be the same

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Andy POV

As I'm walking through the park I see a bunch of ducks playing in the pond,I remember thinking of how lucky they are to be completely without stress to know exactly what it is to be them.

No matter what after he makes his decision my life will change forever I will have to give up on something that I have wanted since the day I met him if he says he can't do it.

If he says he wants to do this with me we get to tell people about us we start an actual relationship sounds so amazing.While I'll was thinking about how our life could be I hear someone running towards me I turn and see Rye before I could say anything he said,
"I'm not gay I'm not bi. I've never had feelings for a guy, but with you it's different all I want is to be is with you" when I heard those words my face lit up I was on my way to kiss him when he stopped me with his hand.

"but I can't.I can't have people thinking I'm gay" he said looking down at the ground

"Can't we just go back before this morning and pretend like this didn't happened, please say we can" he said as tears stared running down his face

"No I can't be with someone who doesn't want people to know he is with me"
I said trying not to shatter into a million pieces he went to put his hand on my face,

"And- "he tried to say as I cut him off

"I guess this is it then I'm gonna finish my walk.ill see you back home later" I said walking as fast as humanly possible away from him.

Rye POV.
I Watched as he ran away from me,the moment I couldn't see his shape anymore I was on the ground bawling my eyes out ,I can breathe breathe was like everything was gone.

I can do it I can people thinking I was something I wasn't they would hate me and hate Andy and they would have ruined everything,but I guess it was me who did that.

I walked to Blair's house still crying I tried wiping my face off before I came in when I walked in Mikey Brooke and Jack were all sitting in the room Mikey editing a video on his laptop and Jack and Brooke are watching a movie on there laptop.

Andy wasn't back yet,he didn't come back tell later that night. When he walked in the front door all the other boys already sleep. He walked into the living room and sat down.I walked out there to talk to him.

"hey" I said I said look down at him

"hey" he said as he looked up at me I could tell his eyes are puffy the idea of me being the reason he cried killed me he sighed.

" we live together work together we have to get over this we have been friends for years we will just go back to that"he said with a half hearted smiling

"I'm fine we'll be fine" he said looking at he's feet

"Im um gonna go to bed goodnight Andrew"I said while climbing on my bunk

"good night Ryan" Andy said as he climbed on his bed.
I watched as he tossed and turned for a couple minutes till he stopped moving completely I knew he was asleep,that's when under my breath I said,
"I will miss you"

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