Is it a fever?

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Mikoshiba arrived to Nozaki's apartment. Waiting for the doorbell to notify the resident that he was there, he noticed that the door was already open.

"Hm, he must have known I was already coming early" Mikoshiba thought out loud, taking off his shoes at the entrance and going inside.

He looked around the place and didn't see Nozaki there. The kitchen wasn't echoing any noise from the pots or the saucepan, so he was most likely not there.

"Nozaki, hello?" No one answered. That's until Mikoshiba looked at the floor. Hidden by the table, a sleeping Mayu.

The younger boy looked more deadly than usual. He shifted and hummed lowly.

"Nii-san is at the art supplies store with Chiyo-san. Is probably people-watching in the mall for reference, as well" Mayu croaked. He sounded deadly too. He struggled to open his eyes but failed to do so.

"Whoa, Mayu. Does he know that you're sick? How did this happen?" Mikoshiba kneeled next to Mayu, putting his palm over the other's forhead to check his temperature.

"I just got here fifteen minutes ago. No, I haven't told him"

"Well, you should! He can pick up medicine on the way. I'm gonna call him" Mikoshiba said, already taking his phone out before Mayu interrupted him.

"There's medicine and soup in the kitchen drawers"

"Idiot. Then why haven't you taken some?" He scolded, getting up.

"Too much work. I can barely stand up with this headache"

"You don't even try standing up when healthy" Mikoshiba joked. "Wait here. I'm gonna heat up the soup"

Of course, he didn't even need to tell Mayu to 'wait there', because they both knew he wasn't gonna move anytime soon.

A few minutes later, he came back with a tray. It had the bowl of soup, a glass of orange juice and a bottle of medicine.

"Who's the best senpai ever? That's me~" Mikoshiba bragged, suddenly flowers surrounded him as he got cocky.

"Are you attempting to get me more ill with those lines?" Mayu's sarcasm was still alive, but poker face broke by a lot. He was definitely sick.

Mikoshiba flushed with embarrassment and put the tray on the table. "Sh-shut up! I'm trying to take care of you"

"I never told you to"

"Oh, so you're saying you don't want me to feed you, or give you medicine?" Mikoshiba teased.

When Mayu didn't answer and was still lying on the floor, but averted his eyes to the ceiling, Mikoshiba took this as a 'Fine, you win'.

"I know you're too lazy to even take care of yourself when you're sick. Come on, sit up"

Mayu still couldn't manage to sit. He felt dizzy.

Mikoshiba sighed and held Mayu with one hand on his back and the other on his knees, pulling him up.

"How'd you get sick, anyways?" He asked as he held the spoon to Mayu's mouth.

Mayu opened it and swallowed slowly. "Yumeko. Mom. Dad"

"Oh, so everyone was sick in your house then?"

"You'll get sick too if you do this" Mayu said.

Mikoshiba chuckled, "I don't mind. 'Sides, you've got judo practice. I bet you've missed out on school and club activities, huh?"

"I missed out on school. Tried to go to judo practice today, but they sent me home. I decided to come here instead" Mayu answered. Mikoshiba knew what he meant. If he went back home, he'd never heal when everyone else had it.

Is it a fever? (Mayumiko)Where stories live. Discover now