The Party

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I was hanging out with Maggie. We were just watching random shows. "Hey so what do you want to do to try and make Lauren Jealous?" She asked. I pulled out my phone. " Make a sexy pose. " I say. She giggled and did as I said. I go in to take the photo but she stops me. "Wait!" She says. She gets up and goes into the kitchen and grabs an rose and sits up on the counter. I laughed and got up and took the photo. Then I get on Instagram to post it.


Beautiful Girlfriend and I are throwing a party tonight! Anyone I'm friended with in here is invited! It's tonight!

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Beautiful Girlfriend and I are throwing a party tonight! Anyone I'm friended with in here is invited! It's tonight!

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Awe y'all are goals! We are totally going!

Hell yeah let's get drunk!😍😍😍

Hell yeah I'm down to party! Dove you in?

Hell yeah ima down! Let's be this shit!


I get on a pair of shorts and tank top with my combat boots. Then I go to pick up Dove. Onc I get her we walk over to the house. Once we get there the house is full. So when we get in Dove. Leaves to party with a random girl. I just go get beer. I dranked like 6 cups. I started to dance. I feel someone grind upon me. I turn around to find the most beautiful girl in front of me. I had no clue who she was tho. I gripped her by her hips and pulled her closer to me. I smashed our lips together. I pushed her up against the wall witch made us have a heated make out. She jumped and wrapped her legs around my thighs. I picked her up and took her into the room near us. I played her on the bed and stripped my self other than my boxers and got on top of her. I connected our lips again. I shaped out her curves with my hands. I took off her dress. She looked so damn sexy. I kissed her neck while taking off her bra and underwear. She moaned. Damn. I putted her legs on my hips and pushed my self into her. She dugged her nails into my back. Once I felt our liquids come I pulled my self out of her and later down next to her. She cuddled into me and we fell asleep.


I wake up cuddling into someone and I looked up to see Lauren. HOLY SHIT!

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