Kellin and Alexis

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This will be a conversation part

K is for kellin
A is for Alexis

K: Alexis can you take me back to the hotel I dont feel good.
A: yeah, just let me tell Alex and we can go.

Kellin pov
I strated to get a headache from skating today, I asked Alexis to take me to the hotel to sleep it off. She went to ask Alex and we are going back. I was sitting on the curb waitng when Nathen one of the boys from the team who is a little older than me, came over.

K is for Kellin
N is for Nathen

N: Hey Kellin
K: oh hey Nathen whats up.(smiling at him)
N: just got done skating, whats wrong your out here all alone?
K: oh nothing major juat a headache and waiting for Alexis to come back to go to the hotel.
N:oh well I hope you feel better.

They sat in silence for a few more minutes when Alexis came back.
A: alright kiddo lets go
K: okay, see you later Nathen
N: yeah bye Kellin feel better.

When Kellin and Alexis were getting in the car. Nathen yelled for Kellin and gave her a piece of paper with a number and a note saying text me.
Kellin smiled and they went to the hotel.

Alexis pov
I took Kellin back to the hotel so she could sleep her headache off. Nathen gave Kellin his number I think they would be the cutest thing ever. It was about four hours later when the other girls got back.they told me that we all were going for dinner at 7 and its currently 630. So I wake up Kellin to have her get ready.

The girls get ready and head out to dinner at a fancy restaurant. Pics in next chapter

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