School Anarchist

18 1 6

"Children!" Jilmore bellowed at the pack of school students.

Each child was decked out in a mixing bowl helmet, an apron breastplate, and held one of Killmore's foam plastic training swords. Once again, the Grape Queen had organized a raid on a local school: the school of the Hodgeheg. Around a hundred pupils were neatly lined up in rows, ready to charge at the building in front of them. The rest of the students had been barricaded inside the More school, a perilous last-ditch attempt by Killmore to stop a full-scale invasion.

"Today, we march for our ancestors. Today, we march for the teachers inside the school. For Bilmore! For Stillmore! For the Blackberry Queen! For the Door Lock! For our buttered-toast eating principal! For Zilmore to quit the school!" she loudly shouted, perched atop two of her favourite pupils.

Jilmore was like a modern-day Julius Caesar in some aspects.


Instantly, everyone rushed through the school's doors and split into different sections for different classrooms. Jilmore took squadron A into the hall to invade the Y6 assembly going on. Squadron B headed to the maths quadrant, while C pursued the English block.

"INTERRUPTION! I would like to state that everyone, right now, who leaves this stupid school and joins our prestigious academy, will win a free ride on the pony, and, will take home a pet narhwal," Jilmore announced in the hall.

One small child stood up out of his chair, and ran over to Jilmore.

"We are united!"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2018 ⏰

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