[Chapter 17]

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Chapter 17

As the days passed following our date, it was as if I had stepped foot into another girl’s life. It was strange, I found, to have somebody to hold your hand or text you goodnight constantly, but it was a good kind of strange.

New Year’s Eve passed in a blur of cake, candy, and laughter, as Saige, Parker and I camped out in my living room, our eyes glued to the television as we waited for the ball to drop in Times Square. We spent hours after midnight just laughing and talking, surprisingly, not waking my dad as we stayed up to the crack of dawn.

The best part of that night however, was the end. Just as the sun started to make its ascent into the sky, the three of us finally started to fall asleep. As I remembered snuggling into my blankets and closing my eyes, I felt a strong arm wrap around my stomach and pull me closer, making my heart beat faster and my mind feel at ease. And although it was the first time I fell asleep in Parker’s arms, I hoped that it wouldn’t be the last, as I fell asleep with a smile on my face.

That night was just one in a long string of nights that Saige, Parker and I spent together over the Christmas break, but as school quickly snuck up on us, so did our first semester exams.

It had slipped my mind that with Christmas and the holidays behind us, we now had only two weeks until exams started, and to be honest, I needed a little bit of help studying for my classes.

And that was how Saige found Parker and I during lunch on Thursday – studying for history in the art room.

“Ugh, I know you guys are dating and all, but have you ever stopped to consider that some people don’t exactly like to watch two of her best friends making out.” Saige said teasingly, her tone mocking disgust as she sat on top of the desk next to Parker.

Rolling my eyes at Saige as she walked into the room, I couldn’t help the small thrill that occurred when she mentioned Parker and I’s relationship.

“I didn’t know that by agreeing to be your boyfriend meant that I had to deal with your annoying friends too.” Parker said, turning to me with a wicked smile as Saige scowled at the back of his head.

I laughed. “Hey buddy, she’s your cousin.” I said defensively. “Plus, I seem to remember that you were actually the one who asked me out, not the other way around.” I continued teasingly.

Parker had asked me to be his girlfriend during our third date at a cute little coffee shop. I was somewhat shocked when I heard the words leave his mouth, so much so that I clearly remembered half-choking to death on my coffee. However, once my lungs started to work again, I didn’t hesitate more than a second with my reply.

“Whatever,” Parker mumbled embarrassedly, scribbling down something in his notebook as he realized his comment had backfired.


“And Saige,” I continued, looking up at her as I gestured between Parker and myself, “You do know that we’re doing nothing wrong here, right?” I asked, raising an eyebrow. Parker and I had pushed two desks together so that he could help me review my history notes from the beginning of the semester, because if he could push me to do well on a test, he would hopefully help me prepare for the exam.

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