Chapter 16

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For the first time in a quite a while, Aurelia felt nervous. Not angry or upset or mellow, just straight up nervous

Which was strange because hardly anything made her nervous. Truthfully, the last time she had felt this nervous was when she was eighteen and desperately waiting for a reply from the Royal Music Academy in Vienna. And now she was beginning to feel inferior to that same anxiety growing in her stomach by the second. 

"Look, it's here," Hana pointed at the polished limo that slowly snaked its way from the gates and into the manor grounds, pulling straight up at Aurelia's feet. 

"Va va voom," Hana giggled as a well-dressed chauffeur climbed out and bowed to the two women before wordlessly taking her luggage and opening the door for Aurelia.

"Well, here I go." Aurelia squeezed Hana's hand. "Take care, okay? And don't be incautious." She lowered her voice, "If you and Franz were reckless enough to get caught by me, then it won't be too long before everyone else finds out."

"It's funny how you're giving me the 'be careful' lecture. Remember when I used to give you those?" Hana smiled, secretively 

Auelia shook her head, solemnly. "Here's some insightful advice from you elder; Never get caught. And if you do deny, deny, deny!" And with a peck and a final goodbye, she climbed inside, only to nearly jump out of her skin when she saw who was nonchalantly sat in the shadow. 

"You seem startled." Dietfried's long legs were casually crossed as he glanced at her from the corner of his eyes, "Could it be me?" 

"Perhaps it would've been less of a scare if I had known you were lurking inside." Aurelia steadied her erratic breathing. "I didn't expect you'd be here to escort me to the hotel." 

"Well, someone had to make sure you didn't get enticed by a bar on the way there." He said as Aurelia smiled, realising that her anxiety had been evaporated by a single fickle, egocentric remark. 

"So, how long is the drive, Captain?" She asked, offhandedly, grabbing a magazine from the opposite seat just to perpetually ogle at Dietfried without making it too obvious. 

"Four hours." 

Aurelia's eyes widened but then she realised that meant four hours with Dietfried alone in a small, compacted space. Aurelia covered her flaming cheeks with the magazine as scandalous thoughts began popping in her head. 

But those thoughts quickly shattered as Dietfried's eyelids drooped and his head lulled back on the headrest.  

"Are you falling asleep on me?" Aurelia asked. 

Dietfried's eyes stayed closed as he murmured, "I've been awake since dawn. Leave me be." 

"No, you can't fall asleep on me," She grumbled, "What am I going to do for the rest of the four hours?" 

"Contemplate life? You tell me." His voice was low with exhaustion and it wasn't long before he fell into a light slumber. 

Aurelia threw the magazine back and crossed her legs. Well, at least I can ogle at him freely, she thought, eyeing up the fitted suit he was wearing which made him look so masculine and swoon-worthy. And dear god, he smells so divine as well. 

Biting her lip in frustration, Aurelia glanced out of the window to see heavy, omnious clouds. It reminded her of that stormy night when she found herself in Dietfried's company after finding out about Hana's engagement. Aurelia felt her face flush just remembering the heated conversation they had that night. 

"Well, why not?"  


"Because why? We're both adults and we both give consent." 

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