Chapter 1: Born and Raised

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Aeliana stuck her tongue out the corner of her mouth in deep concentration, carefully cleaning and sharpening her double-bladed sword as her brother entered the cabin, plopping down next to her on her bunk.

She smirked slightly at him, setting the cleaned and sharpened weapon aside. "Something you wanted to ask me, Perce?"

"Yeah, actually... You told me when I first moved into cabin three that you're technically not a demigod," the raven-haired teen explained.

"And I'm not," she confirmed, leaning back onto her arms. "The term 'demigod' refers to those whose genetics are half human, and half god. I've got the godly parentage covered, but my mom wasn't human. Pretty sure I already told you that she was Atlantean, though."

"You did, but... You also said that Camp Half-Blood was and always has been your home, but never explained what you meant," he elucidated, pushing some of his messy hair out of his face.

Aeli simply sighed and smiled bittersweetly. "I grew up here, bro. My mom dropped me here when I was just a little over a year old, and I was claimed once I was old enough to move into the cabins. I honestly don't remember anything before CHB, and really, that's fine with me."

"Seriously? Y-You're okay not knowing anything about where you come from?" he demanded.

The brunette shrugged her shoulders. "Yeah, I'm cool with it. CHB is my home, and I wouldn't trade it for the world. Anyways, I gotta get outside. I promised our dear Annabeth a rematch."

He simply nodded. "Okay. I'll see you later, sis."

Aeliana nodded, getting her armor on before heading out to the field she and Annabeth had chosen beforehand. "Yeah... CHB is my home. It's the only place I truly belong."


"Thank you again for being so compliant, Chiron," Aquaman said gently. "I believe it's important that she learn of her roots."

"I as well, she should be here any minute now," the centaur said honestly, simply turning his head when the door slammed open.

"Whatever it is you think I did, I didn't do it!" A tanned girl with little scales showing on various areas of her body exclaimed. She had brown hair with the bangs dyed so that they faded into an icy blue, and deep green eyes.

"Aeliana, you're not in trouble," Chiron reassured, placing a hand on the teen's shoulder. "You've done nothing wrong. This man simply asked that I introduce you to him. Aeliana, this is King Orin of Atlantis. I'm sure you remember that we once looked into your mother and discovered that she was Atlantean."

"Yeah, I remember that," the girl said quietly. "She was a high-ranking noble in the Fisherman kingdom, but she was killed when it was discovered that she had an affair with Poseidon and gave birth to me. She literally died because I had the gall to exist."

"Er... th-there is some truth to that; I'm still working on making Atlantis a more forgiving place," Orin admitted. "However, I must honestly admit that your mother's husband had originally wanted to go after you, but-"

"He didn't because he didn't want my Dad to get pissed off. While we're still young, Your Highness; please," Aeliana insisted, pocketing her hands.

"Yes, well... I wanted to make you an offer; to allow you to see the world your mother lived in, and ask for your services in exchange," the man said honestly.

"You say that as though I've never managed to sneak into the Fisherman Kingdom before. I was literally just there a couple hours ago..." the brunette said honestly, but upon seeing the stern look on Chiron's face, she added, "But, as a born Atlantean, I guess I should at least hear you out; heed my king's call, right?" 

"It would be a great help. You see, the Justice League is assembling a team comprised of young, teenaged heroes, and I was hoping you would be willing to step in to assist this team. You may be inexperienced in working with a team, but from what Chiron says, your combat skill greatly makes up for it," the blonde said simply.

"I admit that I've been using a giant fork as a weapon since I was about seven or so," the girl said bluntly, crossing her arms behind her head and leaning against a wall. "So, a team of Justice League juniors; got it. And, why exactly would I want to do that? To, leave the one place I've been for my entire life, and literally have never left aside from visits to the Fisherman Kingdom-Okay, I'm in."

"Just... Just like that?"

"Give me free reign of a kitchen so I can make as many blue brownies as I want and you've got yourself a deal," the girl said honestly. "It's only now that I realize how pathetic it is that I've literally never left this camp or seen the outside world. All my friends are technically my cousins and nobody lets me near the oven, even though I'm perfectly adept at cooking."

"Very well then. Will we be needing to design a uniform of some kind for you, or-"

"Don't bother. I snagged some nice threads on one of my visits to the Fisherman Kingdom and managed to get some help reworking them into my size."

"Very well. Chiron and Argus know where the meeting spot is, so I suppose you should just pack your things and meet me there."

Aeliana simply nodded, heading back to her cabin for now. She honestly didn't have much, so she tossed her clothes and other essentials into a backpack and her limited items into a small banana box before heading to bed.

"Lights out, obviously, but what's with the backpack and banana box?" Percy questioned, laying on his own hammock.

Aeliana sighed. "I got enlisted into this covert ops thing with the Justice League. Or, more like I jumped at the change to see more of the outside world than just the Fisherman Kingdom of Atlantis. I leave tomorrow morning, right after breakfast."

"... This is because Annabeth and I wouldn't let you bake brownies isn't it?"

"That was part of it, but it's mostly that I've been feeling boxed in for a while now. I mean, it's definitely been a little easier since you came around, but I still want to see what's out there. Aside from those trips I've taken to the Fisherman Kingdom, I have literally not been outside camp since I got here," the girl pointed out. "On the bright side, you'll get to call the shots for a while."

"Well, yeah, but the only reason I didn't completely flip over being shoved in here was that I'd have someone around; an older sister. Now I'm going to be alone," Percy pointed out. "It's going to be so freaking awkward; I haven't been alone since I got here."

Aeliana sighed, turning onto her side so she could face him. "I know things are going to be weird, but I'll stay in contact; use that computer that Leo made that lets us make contact without sending a flare to all monsters to video call and just plain chat. I'll chat you up so much that you'll wish for me to shut the Hades up," she teased. "It'll be like I never left; promise."

"IM in the mornings and evenings?" the younger of the two half-bloods insisted.

"Deal," Ana said softly, smiling a bit at him.

"... Hey, Ana?"


"Do you think Dad was close to Hades or Zeus at some point? Like, instead of acted like the Gods they are, they actually treated each other as brothers?"

"I'd imagine so. Somehow, I can't imagine Poseidon-wearing bermuda shorts, sandals, and a Hawaiian print shirt- has always hated Hades and Zeus. They must've liked each other at some point, but then they remembered they were gods and got all stupid."

"... Promise me you'll never get stupid?"

"Not any stupider than you, dummy," Ana smirked softly.

Percy just chuckled a bit. "Good night, stupid."

"Goodnight, Seaweed Brain."

What's this? I actually finished the first chapter of Aeli's revamp? Yeah, I'm working on my stories; it's just taking an eternity because of school.

Annotated bibliographies suck.

Anywho, tips on who Aeli should be shipped with, or if she should be shipped at all? Please?

A Daughter of the Sea, but Not Half Human(Young Justice and PJO xover)Where stories live. Discover now