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Mount Justice

August 27, 07:58 EDT

"I need to talk to Aqualad," Batman said firmly. "The rest of you: hit the showers and head home."

"Head home? I am home," Superboy said bluntly as he walked past.

Aeliana sighed and just headed for the showers after grabbing a towel, relaxing as the warm water washed down her and eased the muck out of her short hair, scrubbing with a fair bit of effort to make sure it was all gone, scrubbing what had stuck itself to her skin with a sponge coated in her favorite, chocolate scented soap to get it all off. She was quite thankful that she'd cut her hair short years ago; it made things so much easier.

Once she was completely cleaned, She wrapped a fluffy white towel around herself and dumped her costume into the right laundry bin, slipping into her room and closing the door so she could get dressed. Once changed into her familiar Daisy Dukes shorts and cropped Camp Half-Blood shirt, she reached into her pocket to check for her trident's coin before heading outside to the beach, stepping down into the water and taking a nice swim. 

The brunette stayed out in the water for what felt like an eternity, before coming to try playing around a bit with it. If there was one thing that she loved about being a daughter of Poseidon, it was getting to play around with hydrokinesis.

As she practiced hovering various shapes made from water, she jumped upon hearing a voice call out, "Having fun, are we?"

She yelped and dropped the water shapes, jerking around and sighing in relief when she saw it was just Wonder Woman. Of the entire Justice League, not many had been made aware of Aeliana's blood status, but the few that were had been the founding members(Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Green Lanter-Hal Jordan-Aquaman, and Martian Manhunter), along with Black Canary and Red Tornado, in case someone needed to know what to do with her unique biology.

"Geez, Orin; scare the crap after me, why don't you?" the girl said bluntly. "And, what are you doing here, anyway? I thought you were spending time with Mera in Atlantis today."

The man chuckled a bit. "I had to leave to attend to a League mission. I thought it'd be wise to check on you before I returned home, as well as give you some news."

"Well, I'm doing fine, so what's this news of yours?"

"... You'll be joining Artemis in attending Gotham Academy when the year begins on September 7th," the king said hesitantly.

Aeliana just sat there for a moment in shock. Once the moment was over, however, she immediately tried to make a break for the water again.

"Aeliana, you must! You need an education!" Orin called out, launching himself forward to grab her foot before she could make it to the water.

"Orin, I grew up in Camp Half-Blood! Chiron did his best to keep me caught up, but there's no way that I can keep up with my classmates!"

"You're going or I'll make sure that you're not allowed access to the oven until you go!"

"You wouldn't dare."

"Try me."

"... Fine, but only because I just got my oven access back."

"Anyways, you should go; Batman was just calling for the team to meet in the mission room."

The girl nodded, crossing her arms and quickly going to her room to change into her uniform before joining her teammates.




"Unh," Ana groaned, sitting up slowly and coughing a bit, rubbing at her neck. "W-Where... Where am I?"

Looking around, the girl frowned at her unfamiliar surroundings, and even more at the unfamiliar outfit she had on. Holy Hera, what the actual Tartarus was she wearing?!

"P-Percy? Nico?!" she called out as she stood, looking around. "Connor, Travis, this had better not be another of your dumb pranks!"

Hearing nothing in response, Aeliana frowned, reaching into the pouch hidden in this weird outfit to check for water, since she already felt the fatigue settling in.

"Nothing... I always carry water with me in case of something like this, so I've definitely been out here for over twenty-four hours.

"Where in Zeus's name am I, and how'd I get here?"

A Daughter of the Sea, but Not Half Human(Young Justice and PJO xover)Where stories live. Discover now