Chloe and Zayn

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        Chloe and Zayn, aren't the closest of siblings. Even though there is only a two year difference. They are absolutely no where to a relationship of brother and sister like Zoe and Louis. Zoe and Louis are close together, close bond. 

        Chloe and Zayn don't get along what-so-ever. They remind everyone of a sister relationship. Three years difference. One girl is 6 and the other is 9. Constantly yelling and pushing only to yet find out that violence is never the answer. Once, close together bond tighter than ever to drifting far away where its like one is in the USA and the other is across the world in Australia. That is like Chloe and Zayn. 

        Chloe was born on June 30th, 1995. Zayn was born Jaunuary 12th, 1993. With a small two year difference. Unlike Zoe and Louis, they both didn't help each other out with getting to the Controllment Arrangement of Powers. They helped their selves. 

        Chloe destoryed her school, at the age of 5. Year 2000, everything around her was lifiting up in the air and whishing it all around the surronding area. Hurting people around her, but only killing a few. Tons were hurt and injured badly some severe some dead. Chloe's Telekenisis was powerful and never really knew how to controll it. She focused on things, every little detail of everything. Luckily, Chloe was able to control how many things moved at once. 

        Zayn got his power at the age of seven. Running in physical education, wasn't his ideal way to spend physical education. Running around the soccer field (football if you're not in the USA) at his school. For practice on the PACER. Progressive Aerobic Cardiovascular Endurance Run. 

        Zayn was running around the field with some of his fellow friends that were in his class. Suddenly he started to run a little bit faster, slowly gaining speed and all around him some objects were becoming a blur. To the point were everything was a blur, Controlling himself he got his own way to the CAoP, running there as fast as he could. Figuring his power was Super Speed.

        Chloe was the one that couldn't exactly use her power to get to the CAoP, instead the police and firemen helped her. No charge with it. The sent her there; how did they figure out it was Chloe that caused the destruction of the school? 

        She was standing there with the ashes and destroyed building scattered around her with the remains of bodies around her. She was focused on the things around her, the dead, the broken, and the demolished. 

        The police got her there with handcuffs and such holding her to the car with a blindfold so she couldn't see anything nor control anything. Zayn and Chloe never saw their families or friends again. Their families never found out, they were immadietly killed. When a center of a power is found they kill the families of the center incase its contagious, which all powers are. 

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