Chapter 54

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-Lilia's POV-

I was sat on the couch with Perky and Luna both next to me waiting for Tal to come back.

He went over to Adi's to try to apologise. He apologised to everyone else and they all expected expect from Ash.

She'll forgive him one day I hope.

The door knob turned and Tal walked in. His nose was all bloody.

I jumped from the couch rushing over to him.

"What happened?" I asked inspecting his nose. It didn't look broken it was just bleeding.

"Adi punched me" He said looking down and touching his nose.

I furrowed my eyebrows and sat him down on the couch. I cleaned him up and sat next him.

"Why did Adi punch you?" I asked calmly laying my head on his shoulder.

"Because of you" He said.

"Did he forgive you?" I dumbly asked.

"No" he shook his head.

I sighed and rubbed his shoulder a bit. I mean what did I expect, Adi probably wouldn't have forgive him that easily.

"Do you wanna film and video or something?" He asked.

"No, I'm not ready" I say quietly.

"Ah sorry for asking, let's just watch a movie" he suggested and i agreed.

Tal grabbed the remote and switched the tv on while i got comfy next to him. We ended up watching some random movie on Netflix.


I switched the tv off and looked at Tal wAs was peacefully sleeping on me. I really wanted to carry him to bed but one he's heavier then me and two he's taller then me. I'm only 5'4 while he's 6'3.

I thought if I should go and let him sleep here or if I should stay. It was about 11:49 PM but I really wasn't tired.

How about if I take a walk around outside. I thought I myself.

I always loved the dark more then daylight and I'm also into photography so I could take some photos out there.

I grabbed one of Tal's hoodie and slipped my sliders on then headed out locking the door behind me.

I wants planning to go very far but at least to the beach which was very close to his house.

I took one of Tal's old phones to take pictures and call someone if I needed to.

I walked through the dark neighbourhood enjoying the darkness around me.

Everything was so peaceful and quiet. Just how I like it.

No fans would harass me either since it was late at night.

Currently it's 12PM.

Once I got to the beach I took a few photos.

I was really proud of this one but I couldn't post it

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I was really proud of this one but I couldn't post it. Not at least yet.

I stayed till about 1 in the morning before heading home. I prayed Tal was still sleeping so he wouldn't be worrying where I was.

Once I got home, I checked up on him and he was still in the couch sleeping like an angel. I got changed back into my pjs and hoped next to him.

Right before I was going to sleep, I kissed his head goodnight and snuggled myself next to him.

My body was cold and his was so warm, so within a couple minutes I wasn't cold anymore.
I felt so safe and protected next him.

It's great to be back with him.

I'm sorry for not updating for so long I'm back to updating every other day now💗
Sorry for this shitty filter chapter the next one will be better💓

Instagram: reactionehoe

Follow i'll follow back!

-Tina xxx

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