Part 2

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Ryan's P. O. V.

I hadn't turned around since I walked to the parking lot but I walked faster so I could get to my car in case I was getting lucky. I could hear the kid behind me, "fuck, he's fast." I thought finally reaching the car and slowly turning around to find the kid standing a little too close and a little outta breath. "I didn't think you'd follow," I said calmly but confidently. "Why wouldn't I?" He asked looking down at the pavement blushing, "you're hot." I could feel myself blushing as he looked at me and for the first time ever, I was at a loss, my mind went blank. "Uh, you're not too bad yourself," I squeaked. My mind started screaming at me, "What the fuck is wrong with you, Ryan? Snap outta it. You're a confident top for fucks sake!" but I just couldn't get anything out we just stood there staring at each other and I started to feel myself blushing even more. I choked out a chuckle but stopped about half way when the kid stepped closer to me, "is he a top too?" I felt myself being pushed up against my car until I was trapped between it and the kid, and I liked the feeling. A lot. My hands were at my sides and I felt vulnerable, I've never felt that way. I was about to ask if he wanted to go somewhere when he put his hand on my chest, I swallowed hard. I opened my mouth to say something else when the kid slid his hand further down until he was barely touching my erection that hadn't gone away like I thought it would. He started rubbing from outside my pants, not looking away... I guess it was a surprised gasp that escaped my throat and instinctively my legs kinda spread so he could get a better hold, my breathing hitched and my eyes grew wide. "Why was I acting this way? I've been given a hand job before... Just not this quickly, he doesn't even know my name." I had to say something, "uh, kid." I panted, "you don't wanna know who I am first?" A moan escaped before he stopped, "you don't remember me?" He asked confused and almost sad. I laughed, "unless we've met somewhere else, no I don't." I didn't remember until I looked; REALLY looked in his deep, beautiful brown eyes it all came back to me... A few summers at disney. I couldn't believe it, we were only "together" for a week but it was the best week of my life. "Bre-Brendon?" I stuttered. His eyes lit up and his smile was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen. Everything inside me turned to jelly and I had never felt more happy, without hesitation I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him close, "I can't believe it's really you! I thought we'd never see each other again!" Brendon hugged me tight and joked, "Ryan, I can't believe you forgot who I was, you did say I gave the best blowjob of your life." I guess hearing 'blowjob' and replaying the memory didn't help the fact I STILL had a boner and I guess Brendon felt it because he pushed his own hips a little closer and nibbled my ear. The nibbles sent me into a giggle, "Brendon," I laughed getting my fingers tangled in his hair. We let go of our embrace and I started to feel overly happy, yet OVERLY horny and now worried that there was a BIG guy covered in tattoos walking our way looking very angry. I let out a sigh of annoyance, "why do people have to ruin my hard ons? Bren, get in the car." Brendon did as told and we drove away before the dude could get to us.

Brendon's P. O. V.

Being in Ryan's car for the first time, alone with him, was almost the best thing ever. Seeing how happy he was that I was actually in the car with him was even better. I had been turned facing him, just staring at him while he drove, "I can't believe you just came out and grabbed my dick like that!" Ryan laughed, "what if I wasn't actually me?" We had pulled into a vacant parking lot and Ryan shut off the engine before I gave my answer. The moonlight was set perfectly on the both of us, I could see half of his face and the moonlight bounce off one of his chocolate brown eyes. There's nowhere else I'd rather be right now. "Ryan," I said smoothly, cupping his face with one hand as he turned to face me, "I knew it was you, I didn't believe it at first. I was so shocked but no-" I was interrupted by Ryan's lips crashing into mine, his tongue invading my mouth, and even though his car was small I was enjoying every minute of our tongues dancing. His kisses started leading from my lips to my neck and his hands were in my hair and neck, deep groans were escaping without permission, "Mmm, Ry." Everything was perfect except this one embarrassing question I had to ask, "Uh, Ry I need to ask you something." He stopped kissing me very quickly and started to look worried, "what is it Bren? Am I moving too fast? Shit, I'm sorry." I laughed, "No, Ry this is great but uhm, doesn't your dick hurt being in those pants plus the way you're sitting?" He looked down almost like he had forgotten he was even wearing pants and he was in a car. "Oh," he laughed, "it does hurt actually, but the boners still strong... So uh, you wanna go back to my place? I'm pretty sure everyone's gone by now." I knew I was probably gonna get grounded for not coming home on time but I said yes to his place anyway.

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