Chapter 1

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Nico POV:

I ran as fast as I could in cat form. They were closing in on me fast, and I was running out of energy. I considered shadow traveling, but I didn't know where I would go, and if I did, they might find me anyways and take me while I'm unconscious. I couldn't have that. I risked a look behind me. They we're gone. I looked around me to see if they were hidden or something, but the humans chasing me had dissapeared. Weird. I heard noises coming from behind me so I turned around quickly and hissed.

"Awww, what a cute kitty!" I was not cute. I looked up at the person speaking and saw that it was a cute blonde boy with bluebell eyes in shorts and an orange t-shirt. I backed up a bit. Did he know I was a neko? "Are you lost?"

"Meow." I couldn't speak, since I was in human form, I could only hiss and meow, so that's what I did.

"Do you want to live with me?" He asked, hope in his eyes. I eyed him suspiciously. Was he just trying to be nice to get me to trust him and he could turn me in for some money? It had happened before. To me, and some other nekos I had met on my journey, well, not really a journey, since I wasn't going anywhere in particular, but you know what I mean.

"I could take you to camp with me. I might get in trouble, but Chiron never really gets mad at me." Wait, Chiron?! Like Chiron from the myths? Or was it just another human named Chiron?

"Meow?" I asked. I looked up at him. He seemed to understand, at least a little bit.

"Oh, Chiron is the camp counselor. He doesn't really accept pets, and definitely not phones, but I never make him mad, so whenever I do something against the rules, he ignores it." Wait, what happened to the other people that were chasing me? I was so mesmerized by this boy's eyes that I forgot about the other humans that were chasing me! I looked around but didn't see any. I kept looking, remembering the time I let my guard down. I had managed to escape, but I never let my guard down again after that.

"Why are you looking around? Is something chasing you?" I looked at him and didn't even need to speak it. He already knew. "Duh. I'm so dumb, sorry. What's chasing you?" I can't speak english when I'm a cat, genius. "Oh my gods. I'm so sorry I keep asking dumb questions."

"Meow." It's okay. I meant. Hopefully he knew what I meant. He seemed to understand, I think, when I felt arms grab me from behind. I hissed and scratched, trying to get out of this stranger's arms. I couldn't see his face, which sucked, since I wanted to see what he looked like so I could avoid him at all times.

"Hey! What are you doing? He's just a cat! Leave him alone!" The boy yelled. So he didn't know I was a neko. He was so dumb, but at least he was trying to protect me.

"Don't you know what he is? He's a neko, and he's a special one." The stranger said coldly. The boy glared back, but then looked at me. His eyes asked if this was true, and I nodded, or at least tried to nod. 

"What's your name?" He asked the stranger.

"I will tell you after you tell me yours."

"Fine. My name is- my name is Will Solace. Now tell me yours." His eyes weren't kind anymore. They were cold, and he was most likely ready to attack this guy if he had to.

"My name is Octavian."

A/N: Alright, here's the first chapter! Hope you guys liked it!

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