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It was just a regular day until Voldemort decided to attack the Potter residence. 

"Lily run he's here get the children upstairs!"

After James yelled to Lily, Voldemort blasted open the door and put James unconscious. Then he started to walk upstairs to the children's room and did the same spell to make Lily unconscious.  Finally when he stopped to look at the children he saw a black haired toddler with green eyes staring at him. While the other toddler with the red hair and amber eyes was screaming and crying.

"Avada Kedavra!"

When she shot the spell at the black haired toddler the spell was thrown back at him and he fell into a box of toys that went up into the air and hit the red haired child. A few minutes later Dumbledore came with Sirius and Remus to see the damage of the house. When they arrived they saw James on the floor, when they woke him up from the spell Voldemort put on him they went up to the nursery to find Lily on the ground, Alex screaming his head off while crying, and Harry just staring off into space.

After waking Lily up they finally turned to the children.

"James, Lily are you guys okay?" asked Sirius.

"Yes thank you for checking on us Padfoot is Moony okay?"questioned James.

"I was just about to go back to him I'll tell you tomorrow."

"Lily, James your son Alex is the chosen one in the prophecy." said Dumbledore.

"Then what about Harry?" asked Lily.

"I think we should sent him to your sister Lily so that he does not get jealous."

"But Dumbledore she was terrible to me!"

"Don't worry I shall tell her when I drop off Harry."


Later that night when Dumbledore placed Harry at Petunia's house he never talked to her and just left. Little did he know Lady Magic was watching and thought that if they were going to abandon this child then he shall have a new family that loves him. So she teleported young Harry into her space that she basically lived in.

When Harry finally opened his eyes after a huge white light flashed in front of him, he saw a pretty lady with white hair yet looked not a day over 18. 

"Now young Harry my name is Hecate but you may know me as Lady Magic. I will give you the ability to talk like an adult so that we may speak."

After she snapped her fingers Harry was able to speak like he was 16 or older.

"Is this the part were you tell me I died after the big white flash thingy?" 

"No child, now as I remember you have an photographic memory meaning that you remember what happened."   

"Yes, why they think I would be jealous of that screaming moron is beyond me."

"Well how about I give you the chance to live in another world with a loving family, and a happy life. This meaning you would give up your magic, looks, name, voice, and twin bond with Alex."

"Oh please do, personally I think that abandoning your child means that you can never have a happy ending with them. Also can I have another twin brother or sister? That is really the only thing I ask."

"Alright child."

With that Harry was put into a coma like state. Now Lady Magic knew that they would try to look for him when they realize their mistake so she went to another world parallel to the Earth Harry was from. Then Lady Magic put him in the body of Diana Nikiforov who was one week pregnant with a single boy. As Lady Magic put Harry into her body so that she would give birth to him, she made a twin bond with the young baby who would soon be named Victor and Harry who's name would change after his birth.

(Nine months later)

After nine months Harry was reborn along with his twin.

"Diana what do you want to name them?" asked Charles Nikiforov husband to Diana.

"How about Victor for he was born first and Hadrian as he came second?" 

"Wonderful names sweetheart, now you rest and when your better we can take you and our children back home." said Charles.

"Alright." As Diana said that she started to fall asleep and Charles but both Victor and Hadrian into a single incubator as they were holding hands while sleeping.

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