Chapter 17

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"I brought the ice cream." Lauren says as she enters my room.

"Yay what kinds did you get?" I ask.

"I got you're favorite cookie dough and for me rocky road." She says handing me my own mini carton of ice cream.

"I have the movie set up on my laptop." I say as I walk to my bed and sit down.

"I was thinking we could talk about your date before we watched the movie." Lauren says taking a seat on my bed.

"Well it went good we went to the play and I had a great time then he walked me home."

"Did he kiss you goodnight." She asks as she opens her ice cream and diggs her spoon in the frozen rocky road.

"He gave me a kiss on the cheek." I say.

"Really only on the cheek I thought we would of given you your first kiss."

The thought of Harry kissing me pops in my head. Lauren doesn't know that I have had my first kiss and that kiss was with Harry.

"So how did your night go?" I ask changing the subject.

"Fine it went just like party's go except this girl kept starring at Zayn and it bugged me."

"It did so you must have feelings for him then." I point out.

"I wouldn't say feelings but it does bug me when some skank try's to steel my man." She says.

"Was Harry there." I ask nonchalantly.

I open my container of ice cream trying to distract my self from Lauren intense curious gaze.

"Yeah he was there why?" Lauren asks.

"No reason I was just wondering."

"Okay but yeah he was there he was with some girl and get this the skank that was undressing Zayn with her eyes was the best friend of the girl Harry was with." She explains.

So Harry was with a girl last night why does that bother me? I was on a date with Chase last night I shouldn't care that Harry was at a party with some girl.

He probably got in her panties my sub conscious throws in but I push her away the thought makes me nauseas and angry.

"Speaking of parties there is one tomorrow night will you come with me please." Lauren says giving me her puppy dog eyes.

"Why we don't even really hangout when I go." I state.

"I know I don't hangout with you a lot when we are there but that's only because when it comes to Zayn...."

I nod for her to continue on with what she is saying.

"Zayn he doesn't chase me around like other boys do. It's like the roles have switched and I'm the clingy one in the relationship and I need you to help distract me from that." She explains.

This is not Lauren. Lauren is not the submissive she is the dominant but when she is around Zayn she is not as confident and its weird to see her this way. It's weird to think that he actually needs my help.

"Okay I will come." I say.

A smile makes a away to her face and she hugs me.

"Thanks Millie your the best."

"I know I am. Now lets watch this movie."

We get situated on my bed and I start the movie. Half way through the movie Lauren falls asleep with the empty carton of ice cream in her hands.

I untangle the carton from her hands and throw it away. I turn off my computer and cover Lauren with my blankets.

Sarah is already asleep in her bed she didn't say anything about Lauren being here or about Harry randomly showing up all the time which I'm glad I wouldn't want to explain that to Lauren.

I lay down on my small bed Lauren's feet in my face squishing me to where I am almost falling of off the bed. I think we may be getting a little big to be sharing beds this tiny.

The blankets are wrapped around Lauren leaving me only a sheet. I cover my self with the thin sheet and try to fall asleep in this uncomfortable position.

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