Yer a Wizard....... Nico?

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Nico's POV

The only thing going through my mind right now as I am running from a horde of angry campers is 'the fates must enjoy messing with my life.' Now you might be wondering why I am on the run from angry campers, well after the war with Dirtface, the Greek and Roman campers blamed me for the deaths from when Camp Jupiter attacked Camp Half-Blood.

"They wouldn't have died if you'd been faster."

"It's your fault."

"You should be gone instead."

Things like that became common for me to hear around camp.  The only ones who stood with me was the Seven, the Stolls, Reyna and surprisingly enough Clarisse. They didn't blame me because they knew that I almost killed myself to get the Athena Parthenos from Greece to camp. I mean I nearly tuned into a shadow and died. One camper especially hates me, Brision McHale, he would geode the others into braking my stuff and vandalizing my cabin. Today he has managed to convince them to run me out of camp. The others had tried to hold them back at the camps border, but the mob didn't listen. Just as they started catching up I felt like someone had dumped ice water on me and the world went black. I recognized this feeling. It happens when my father calls me to the underworld.

When the darkness lifted I saw that I was in my dad's throne room. Standing to his right slightly behind his throne was Thanatos.  He quickly flickered to his Egyptian form Anubis and smiled at me before he flickered back to Thanatos.  Standing to dad's left was the goddess Hecate.

I bowed to Thanatos and Hecate and kneeled before my father's throne.

"Rise my son", he boomed. After the war I started spending more time in the underworld because of the issues at camp.  So, Hades and I started to improve our relationship.  We are still a little awkward around each other, but it is much better than it was.

I stood. "What can I do for you father?", I asked.

"I believe that you haven't been rewarded for your service to Olympus, so I would like to make you the crown prince of the underworld." He stated "I had to inform the council of my choice. Zeus and Poseidon tried to veto the idea, but their children found out and man, those kids are scary when they get mad." He chuckled, recalling the king of gods being threatened by his kids.

I just stared at him in shock. "You want me to be the prince of the underworld?"

"Yes." He answered simply.

I sighed this meant more power. I don't really want more power. "I'm guessing that I can't turn this down."

"Yup, you don't have a choice."

Then he stood and stared chanting in ancient Greek. I wasn't paying attention, so I didn't catch what he was saying. When he finished chanting he pointed his hand at me and a beam of shadows shot out and hit me in the chest. It felt like my blood was boiling but I didn't even flinch. After going through Tartarus alone my pain tolerance was incredible. It's even higher than Percy and Annabeth's. When the pain stopped I felt stronger.  I could feel the shadows like they were just waiting for my command. I also felt a weight on my head that wasn't there before. I reached up and grabbed it.  It was a crown. 'Seriously a crown for Zeus' sake.' It was made of stygian iron with rubies going around the base with smaller rubies at the points. There were also settings for another type of jewel, however the settings were empty.

"In order to complete the crown, you will need Thanatos' blessing." Hades said.

After Hades had stopped talking Thanatos started walking towards me. He put his hand on my forehead and I felt a cold aura wash over me. When he backed away he said, "You now have my blessing Prince of the Dead." His form flickered to that of Anubis.  "Congrats."  He smiled and flickered back to Thanatos. He then returned to my father's side. When I looked back at the crown the empty settings had been filled by circular black jewels. I put the crown back on my head. From his spot by my father Thanatos spoke,

"My blessing also gives you my sword. To call it the first time think of the shadows forming a sword. To get rid of it think of it forming a tattoo around your finger. From then on you only need to think of it to summon it."

I tried it and the shadows from around the room converged into a long black sword. It was an exact copy of the sword I keep in my skull ring. The only difference was it seemed to radiate death. I knew that any cut from this sword would be fatal. No matter how small the cut. When I banished it, it turned into a simple braided rope design on my right pointer finger.

I bowed to Thanatos. "Thank you, Lord Thanatos." I said sincerely.

Then Lady Hecate spoke up, "I also have a gift for you son of Hades. However, my gift comes with a condition. I want you to go to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry and - "

I burst out laughing. "The. School. Is. Called. Hogwarts." I managed to choke out between fits of laughter. As I slowly calmed down and regained my composure, Hecate glared at me

"Yes, it is. Now, as I was saying. I need you to protect Harry Potter as he tries to defeat Tom Riddle or Voldemort as he is now called. The headmaster of the school Albus Dumbledore is one of my children. He will know of your task."

"I had so much paper work because of Riddle." Hades muttered

'Yes, that you gave to Thanatos who then shoved it on me, so Anubis could go flirt with that mortal he has a crush on.' I turned to glare at Thanatos who flickered to Anubis and smiled sheepishly at me.

"Anyways," Lady Hecate said sounding annoyed now. "Will you do this task for me."

"My Lady how will I go to this Pigfarts,-" She glared at me "sorry Hogwarts if I am not a wizard."

"That is my gift. Your mother was the Lady of the Most Ancient and Noble house of Di Anglo. That means as the last member of the family you are Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble house of Di Anglo. I will unlock your magic and give you knowledge of the wizarding world and spells that a pureblood lord would know in their fifth year of Hogwarts." She stated.

''If I am a wizard then why have I never done anything magical?" I asked a bit skeptical.

"That's easy. For a witch or wizard's magical core to unlock they must be given my blessing. Under normal circumstances I would give this blessing at birth. However, I don't give demigods this blessing."

"Why don't you, My Lady?" I asked, interested in her reply.

"They are already living in two worlds. They don't need to worry about a third." She said.

"My Lady, I accept your blessing and your task." I said as I bowed. She nodded and started muttering under her breath. When she finished, the first thing I felt was a sense of completeness. Like a part of me I didn't even know was missing was there. Then my head started hurting as I tried to make sense of all the information that was forced into my head. Then everything went black and I passed out.


Disclaimer: I wish I owned Harry Potter or Percy Jackson, but sadly I don't. I only own the plot.

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