The Hogwarts Express and egos the size of a train.

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Let's just say that the alarm clock needs to be replaced. I looked at the time on the clock I keep across the room for this exact situation.

'Oh Schist' its 10:30 and the train leaves at 11:00 I'll be late!

As I ran around my room trying to get dressed. I managed to get all my stuff thrown in my trunk. My wand was stuffed in the pocket of my black jeans. My wand was 6 and ¼ inches unyielding. It was made of Stygian Iron with a Thestral hair has the core. My aviator jacket was pulled over a black shirt with a skull on it. When I was done getting ready the clock read 10:45. I quickly grabbed my stuff and shadow traveled to the station.

Platform 9 ¾ was crowded by parents giving their children a last-minute good bye. Near the door to the train there was a large group of redheads. I managed to push through them and sat down in an empty compartment. I sighted the train ride is 9 hours long it will be torture with my ADHD. Just as the train starts to move three people open the door to my compartment. The person in the lead who looks like a scrawny Percy just walks in and sits down. The other two with him shoot me an apologetic look as they sit on either side of scrawny Percy. I look at them closer and find that I recognize them both one was Hermione Granger daughter of Victoria. The other was Ronald "Ron" Weasley son of Hermes. If Ron was here than his brothers, the second set of terror twins in the Hermes cabin, Fred and George Weasley or Gred and Forge were also here. I could tell that they recognized me, so I said in Greek'

[Hecate sent me I already met Drake] They nodded and replied in Greek.

[Good to see you Neeks.] I scowled at them.

[Don't call me that.] They just laughed at me. I huffed and turned my attention to the rude scrawny Percy sitting across from me. Just as he said,

"How dare you ignore me! I'm Harry Potter, The Chosen One, The-Boy-Who-Lived!" he almost yelled at me.

"More like the Boy-Who-Just-Wouldn't-Die." I muttered. Luckily Henry Pooter didn't hear me. "Oh, I'm sorry Henry Pooter I just don't care." I said sarcastically. Ron and Hermione were trying not to laugh, and Harry was turning purple. I think it was from rage. I pulled out my book and ignored him for the rest of the ride.

Harry's POV

How could Dumbledore create a secret organization and not include me The Boy Who lived. At the station people were lined up to get my autograph. I happily gave the people what they want before getting on the train. Ron and Hermione were behind me speaking in some strange language that they use sometimes. Just as I was going to get mad at them for not including me. Ron spoke up.

"Hey, Harry what about this compartment?"

I nodded and walked in after all who wouldn't be honored to share a compartment with me. When I sat down I realized that I had never seen this boy before. I was going to ask him who he was when he Ron and Hermione started talking in that strange language again. After a bit I got annoyed. 'How dare they ignore me! The great Harry Potter. The chosen one!' However, instead of apologizing he mocked me. He must be a death eater. I will expose him for who he really is.

Nico's POV

When the torture of a 9-hour train ride was over. I started walking toward the carriages that are being pulled by Thestrals. When I got closer they bowed. I hissed at them to stop. I can't be suspicious. When I climbed into a carriage I realize there was someone else there. I looked over and saw bright blonde hair. I said, [Hello, Luna.] Luna Lovegood one of the smartest daughters of Athena, and by far camps best actress. Also presumed to be dead. [Should I just assume that everyone who I think is dead without us finding a body is here?]

Luna just smiled at me. [Nico you should know by now that I won't answer that.]

[I know sister. Its good to see you again.] Before she disappeared she and Drake were my adopted siblings.

[Just so you know I am playing my Loony Luna act. With Nargles and everything.] She said just as we pulled up to the school. As we got out I watched as her eyes seemed to glaze over as she became Loony Lovegood.

"Nice to meet you Nico. The Nargles seem to like you." Luna said in a dreamy voice.

"Nice meeting you too Luna." I said politely as I bowed to her. "I'll take my leave now. I need to meet Professor McGonagall and get sorted" I smiled at her and walked up the steps toward a stern looking in green robes.

"Ah, are you Mr. Di Anglo." She asked when she saw me approaching.

I stopped in front of her and bowed respectfully. "Yes, ma'am I am." 'Hey that rhymes. what else rhymes with ma'am? Yam, ham, man, what why am I thinking this? Dam ADHD......Hehe.... dam'

"Are you coming Mr. Di Anglo" I started. When I looked up Professor McGonagall was already inside. I ran to catch up to her. She led me to a room that had a group of little kids in it. They were probably the first years. They were all standing together in the middle of the room. Most were looking around in awe, theses were probably the muggleborns and half-bloods, the Purebloods were still looking around, but they were doing it subtly. When the professor started her speech about the houses I zoned out. I was snapped out of my thoughts when she opened the doors and I saw the great Hall.

"Annabeth would pass out." I muttered, chuckling slightly under my breath. As the first years were getting sorted I looked around the hall. People were pointing at me and whispering. I caught what some people at the Gryffindor table were saying.

"What's he doing here. No way is he a first year." One whispered to his friend. did I say whispered? I meant practically yelled.

"No idea. He sorta looks like a Death Eater." The other totally didn't yell back. *note the sarcasm* These Gryffindors need to learn some subtlety. I didn't even need my Demigod hearing to listen in.

When the first years finally finished getting sorted. (My ADHD was killing me.) Professor McGonagall rolled up the scroll and sat down. As Headmaster Dumbledore stood up he winked at me.

"Attention students, I would like to announce the Hogwarts' first ever transfer student from Hecate's Camp for the Magically inclined, Lord Nico Di Anglo."

Once the Headmaster announced me I walked up to the hat and let it cover my face.

"hmm........ Oh, I see not a first year are you?" When I heard the voice in my head I almost threw down that hat and stabbed it with my sword.

"No need to be so on guard, young demigod." Since the hat was speaking in my head I thought back at it. "How do you sort me?" I asked.

"I must go through your memories."

"Oh no. No way in Hades." I yelled at the hat.

"To late." If the hat could it would be smirking right now.

I saw my memories flash by. My whole life except Tartarus my mental shields around those memories can keep out Minor Gods.

"You are brave in the face of danger like Gryffindor. However, you can be cunning in battle like Slytherin. You are smart like Ravenclaw. Finally, you are hardworking and loyal to those who you care about. You would fit in well with any house, but it seems that you are still blocking some memories. I need to see them to sort you. Right now, you could fit in anywhere.

"Yah I don't care you aren't getting those memories." I said to the hat

"Well then I can't sort you and you will sit up here intel you let me see the." The hat replied. I sat there stubbornly foe a few minutes. Then I relented.

"fine, but don't say I didn't warn you." I put down my shields. The Hat screamed.


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