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Princess Amour ....

"Give it to me like you need it baby...."
I turned a flip on the pole as "Girls Need Love" by Summer Walker played through Club Lava. I smiled as I got hear the crowd scream, I ended my dance with a jump split and I watched the crowd go completely wild!
"Got 'em" I said satisfyingly in my head.
I retrieved my money & proceeded to the locker room. It was going on 5 a.m so I gathered my stuff and headed to to Robby's office to give him his cut. This nigga was more stingy than Mr. Crabs hell🙄 he wanted 85% of EVERYTHING !!! that's fine though I make plenty here and I'm the star here so I'm not worried.
" Here Negro, I'm gone " I tossed Robby his cut to him. He looked up at me from counting his money and walked around his desk. Robby looked at me for a brief second,then slapped me as hard as he could knocking me to the floor of his office.
" Bitch don't you ever disrespect me in my place of business again! You hear ? " He screamed in my ear. Robby then grabbed me by my hair so my head could face him. " I can't hear you baby girl " he whispered in my ear.
"I hear you, now let me go!"
Robby threw my head into the floor and dismissed me. I damn near ran out the back door with the other nosey ass girls staring at me. I swear I hate this place.
Once I made it to my car I started driving home.
Now you may be wondering, "How the hell does she manage to work at that place with that asshole of a boss "
Well y'all, the money is good and I'm taking care of my low life ass boyfriend of 4 years. No, he wasn't always a bitch ass. Alexander was the man of my dreams.. so i thought, but he went crazy after he couldn't get into the NFL immediately after college. He completely let himself go honey. Gained weight& unattractive body hair and barely washed his ass🤮.
Why am I still with him? "love" .
Yeah I know y'all may be calling me stupid but hear me out, Alexander really IS a good man, he just needs a little push that's all and it wasn't always like this. This all just happened last year when we both graduated college, he tried and tried y'all but nothing wasn't sticking. As for me, I've always wanted to be a Model but I went to college for business. How did I end up at Club Lava ? Well after Alex had a little melt down, I agreed to put my dreams aside to support US. I don't know why he wouldn't get up and get a normal job, or fell back on his degree, he was extremely smart and good at working on cars and repairing things. Nigga just didn't apply himself. I just wanna pack up and leave but I tried that, and every time he threatens me with killing him self. So the guilt is making me stay. I don't know what I'm going to do.

I arrived home around 6 am on the dot, I had stopped at waffle house and got us something to eat . I walked into our apartment and set the bags on the kitchen table. " Baby is that you ..." a sluggish voice from the living room calls. I peak my head around the corner into the living room and simply say " Come and get ya food Alex " . He gets up and when I turn around I am disgusted with the sight i see.
a 6'3 man smelly, beer belly having man standing in front of me. I rolls my eyes and move around him. I make it to the room, & start to undress from a long night at the club. Alex then comes into the room with a piece of bacon in his hand, & creepily staring at my naked body.
I quickly tied my silk robe around my body " What do you need Alex, I'm about to take a bath " I say as I turn on my bath water and add my soap.
"Honey we ain't had sex in 4 months "

*because i don't want your big ass sweating on me nigga*

"Baby I just been so busy and- "
I feel myself being picked up and slammed in the bed. Alex hovered over me and I could smell he hadn't bathed or nothing in days. I try to push him off me but I'm tiny as hell, what am Ito do? I feel him kissing my neck and pulling at my robe.
" You give them niggas at that club all ya fucking attention but come home just to ignore my ass! You fucking them niggas at that club?!" Alex screams in my ear. I can't believe this nigga believes I would never cheat on him or anybody for that matter! iI should be hell, by the way he does me. This nigga hasn't done anything for me in over a year!!! I should have been left his no good ass.

"No baby I'm not fucking nobody I swear!" I cried out. He managed to pull my robe off my body and force himself in me, I could here the bath water over splashing on the floor from over flooding. I them tried to break free but he held my hands to the sides of my head. He aggressively kisses me and it was the most disgusting taste I've ever came in contact with. He pounds into me with sweat beads dripping on my face. I turn away and close my eyes, I don't wanna see this shit. He grabs my face to look at him. As I look into his eyes I wonder.... where did I ever go wrong ? I've always wanted love and only love from a man. I'm 23 years old and unhappy with my life. I've contemplated suicide multiple times. I just want it all to end. Every man I've have interaction with in my life has hurt me in a thousand ways possible. may it's me, maybe I'm choosing the wrong guys. This thug shit has to stop with me. Things will change! I can't keep doing this bullshit. Then I thought, what am I thinking ? I could never leave Alex, who knows what he would do to himself if I were to ever leave ?
Lord I need you right now 😪.
My thoughts are interrupted my wetness on my face, turns out Alex was nutting on my face with a smile on his. I quickly turn my head and wipe my face with the sheets and cry my eyes out.

" You missed that shit didn't you Princess ? "

he said with stickiness in his voice. I slowly nod my head and speed walk to the bathroom . I slammed the door and looked at myself in the mirror... "What have you become P? you use to have it all girl. What happened?" I observed myself with dried up semen on my cheeks and bruises from when Robby slapped me earlier that morning, Alex didn't even bother asking. I turn off the bath tub water and put towels all over the floor luckily it wasn't too bad. I restarted my bath and got in . I poured me up a class of wine, I previously set to the side before the attack. I sip slowly with my eyes closed. Silently praying " God please send me a good man, I want him to love me and cherish me and appreciate my mind,body, & soul Lord please God-
" HURRY UP IN THAT BATHROOM PRINCESS SO WE CAN DO A ROUND 2 " my pleading prayer was interrupted my Alex's banging and hollering at the door. I finished my bath and wine. I got out the tub and dried off, I looked in the mirror and open the cabinet. I pulled out my pills and popped 3, breathing in and out, I opened the door of the bathroom just to be dragged and abused again. As this was happening ai

silently said to myself

"Please send him soon God" ....💔

THIS was a pretty intense first chapter! how y'all liking it so far ? questions ? feel free to ask . i know it may be short but it was just a starter to get y'all minds thinking .
like , comment , share . sorry for the mistakes💕

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