Be my Forever - Chp. 6

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AN: I was gonna add art to this chapter, but I really just haven't had much time what with me working 5 days a week. I'm gonna try sketching some stuff right now and maybe add it on later tonight, but I figured you guys waited long enough for this chapter, so I'd put it up without art for now. I hope you guys enjoy, and forgive me for being so late. Love you!


My neck really hurt. I had fallen asleep last night in front of Sora's door, on the floor of the gummi ship, pleading for him to talk to me. I told him I made a mistake, I told him I knew I was wrong.

He never opened the door.

I woke up before him, possibly, I mean he might've opened the door to see me sleeping and went back inside. I woke up and decided that making him breakfast might make up for it, or at least get him to sit down long enough to talk. Whilst cooking his beloved bacon, I heard him exit his room, but quickly enter the bathroom and lock the door. The sigh that escaped my lips was heavy, and I needed to find some hope in the day before I completely fell apart without even leaving the ship.

"Good morning." I say, a bit shocked Sora had decided to enter the kitchen after his shower. He grabbed a plate and stole nearly all the bacon and eggs I'd prepared for the morning. He wont look up at me, but he does speak.

"Go shower." He says shortly and quietly, and I chew the inside of my lip for a moment before heading to the bathroom. I catch myself on the door frame of the kitchen for a moment, weighing the consequences of speaking to Sora.

"I didn't know.. when I got mad, I didn't know. I'm sorry, for the words.. and for-"

"Go shower." He cuts me off again, not harshly, but softly. I think it's more painful to hear that he's sad about it, rather than angry. I don't know how to even forgive myself, it's no surprise he doesn't either.

I let the shower burn my skin. I grit my teeth, and just let my eyes water in both physical and emotional pain. This was unlike any other pain I had experienced. For once, I wasn't seeing myself as a victim. This was entirely my fault, and I deserved every minute and every second of this breaking feeling. How could I do that to him?

If I wasn't so stubborn, so quick to make assumptions, things would have probably been a lot better.


Corona wasn't full of small fluffy animals. In fact, Corona seemed like a pretty normal place in comparison to the others we had ventured to. Sure, the tight fitting clothes with decals covering every button and sleeve was a bit odd, but over all the scenery looked to be nothing more than a forest. But it was awkward, especially in the silence of the forest, having to walk side by side with the boy who still wanted absolutely nothing to do with me.

"Halt! You will halt in the name of the royal army!" The silence is broken by a bayonet in my face, my hands launching into the air above my head and my heart leaping in my chest. What a greeting.

"Lower your weapon, you damn fool, clearly those are not our culprits!" Another voice calls, and as I look up, I see a well dressed man and woman standing atop the hill in front of me.

"Eugene! He's just trying to do his job." The woman scolds the taller man, who I'm just starting to really look at. Wow, he is a pretty man.

"Well, he's not doing it very well, is he? His job is to look for two overweight criminals, and he's instead pointing his weapon at two soldiers from another kingdom." The man sighs and starts down the hill towards us, pushing away the soldier who had his weapon raised and sticking his hand out to Sora. "My apologies, gentl-- ... Pardon me, but is that soldier a woman?" I stand up a bit more straight, dropping my hands.

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