Part 3: The Heist

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 Sly: Ok Bentley, how are we going to pull this off?

Bentley: Ok, here's the plan. Murray, you go in, and distract this. . . uh, human. . . squid thing? Anyway, while you're doing that, I'll use my specially made sleep darts, one will do the trick, and she'll be out only long enough for Sly to swipe one thing from her pockets. So make it count. If you don't get the phone, then we'll have to try plan B. And I don't like the sound of it. Because Murray was there when she got knocked out, she won't trust him at all. So Sly, you need to intentionally get caught by her, and run. During this chase, I'll try to keep up, and hopefully be able to get the phone out by using my magnet crane. If all is successful, we'll be getting payed off with a load of cash. So, now that we're all clear on the plan, it's time to get into position.

They all left the safe house, and got into their positions. Bentley was on top of one of the buildings,while Murray started to have conversation with Meggy. He eventually got a grasp as to what she likes to talk about, and that distracted her just enough for Sly to get into position. Bentley took his shot, but he missed. She looked where it came from, and started to charge at Bentley. He didn't think he was in trouble at first, but then he saw how fast she was jumping her way up.

Bentley: SLY! I'm going to need you to pickpocket her while I try an escape her for as long as I can! HURRY!

Sly: On my way pal.

Sly started chasing after them, and kept trying to get the phone, but kept missing. He finally got it, and when he did, tried to divert Meggy's attention.

Sly: Hey! You might think you're athletic, but your not able to catch up to a turtle in a wheelchair!

This comment, didn't sit well with Meggy. You could see pure and utter rage taking over her once irritated face. She couldn't believe that someone had insulted her in that way.

Meggy: What did you JUST say?

Sly: I said the truth. You can't catch up to someone in a wheelchair.

Bentley: I think she gets the point, Sly.

Meggy: I think you're about to change your previous statement.

Meggy proceeded to shoot right at Bentley, knocking him over, and also chasing after Sly at an alarming rate. As Sly runs by where Boopkins was, he sees he isn't there, which causes him to throw the phone up into the sky. So he, and the others could have time to hide and escape. We cut to Boopkins meeting up with Luigi, and watching the monitor that shows the cameras inside the house. They hide in the basement, where Luigi has his soccer mom meeting. While the other soccer moms were talking, they watched, as Mario sat there, at the table, with no spaghetti. 

Boopkins: Hey Luigi, that has to mean something, right?

Luigi: Well, sometimes he just does nothing. We can't be sure until more happens. 

They waited, watching for a few minutes, when suddenly, there was a knock on the door. They watched, as Mario opened the door, and walked outside. When the door closed, they knew they had to switch to listening in with the nose mic. They listened in, and all they heard was static. No voices. They realized something. Mario did the unthinkable. He sneezed!

Boopkins: What now?

Luigi: We stay here and wait. If they come back, we might be able to see what is going on. Remember what I told you about what the text messages said? They might be coming back.

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