Chapter 8

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Sunlight streams in between my curtains, stinging my eyelids as I try to force myself back to sleep. If I opened my eyes, that meant that I would have to deal with last night. With the fact that I kissed Yoongi, that he had kissed me back, and that he had run from me immediately after. 

I wish I had been drunk enough to forget it. 

But apparently I was only drunk enough to make bad decisions and regret them the next day.


I clench my eyes shut, trying to will myself back asleep. As my body starts waking up, sleep slips farther from my grasp. My head aches, my mouth dry as the desert. When my bladder makes itself known, I finally give up on falling back to sleep, a groan slipping passed my lips and making my head pound even harder. 

Opening my eyes slowly, I let them adjust to the brightness of the room. Sitting up slowly, the room spins a little bit, my stomach twisting. I bolt from the bed, almost tripping over my own feet as I race out my door and down the hallway to the bathroom, my footsteps echoing loudly in the otherwise silent house. 

I burst into the bathroom, falling in front of the toilet just in time for a heave to overtake me, my stomach clenching as it tries to rid itself of whatever made it sick. Unfortunately for me, I hadn't eaten or drank anything since last night so dry heaves shook my shoulders, my body shuddering as my stomach worked to get rid of something that wasn't there. 

After the nausea passes, I lay there for a moment, my sweat-slicked hair sticking to my forehead as I rest my face on my arm. Once I'm sure that I'm not going to be sick again, I rise back to my feet, my legs stiff from staying bent for so long. I brush my teeth, my reflection staring back at me, skin pale and dark bags under my eyes. 

My head still throbs, the bright LEDs in the bathroom doing little to help the pain. I open the medicine cabinet, grabbing two tablets of pain reliever and swallowing them. I wash my face quickly, the water working to wake me up a little more. 

After turning the water off and drying my face, I finally decide to leave the bathroom. When I turn towards the door, seeing it standing wide open, I groan. What if Yoongi had walked by? Did he see me get sick? Surely he would've made his presence known if he had been here...

I'll just ignore it and hope for the best. 

I walk downstairs, my stomach dropping when I see the mess we left behind from last night. The table is still set up, the food sitting out- cold and forgotten, the candles burned down to nothing, the wax littering the tablecloth below it. 

While I dreaded cleaning it up, I was happy for the distraction. I walk to the stereo in the corner of the room, clicking it on so music plays softly from the speakers placed around the room. Losing myself in the sound, I get started on my task. 

Time passes quickly as I clean the dining room, throwing the food away and clearing off the table. I dance around the kitchen, cleaning the dishes and putting them away as the sunlight starts to fade. 

When all the work is done- dishes are clean and put away, the table is cleared off, the now ruined tablecloth thrown away- I stand there, my hands on my hips as I look around the room proudly. It took a few hours, but at least now the house was back to normal. 

I click off the music, silence taking it's place. 

That silence doesn't last long as quiet footsteps echo down the hallway, footsteps that could only belong to Yoongi. Panic floods me, my heart stopping for a second. I look around frantically, trying to find a place to hide. His footsteps get closer and I decide to just play it off. Besides for all he knows, I don't even remember embarrassing myself last night. 

Yoongi turns the corner, his small frame swallowed by the over-sized black hoodie he's wearing. He freezes when he sees me, his eyes going wide for a second. 

I give him a smile, raising my hand to wave to him. "Hi Yoo-"

He sprints away from me, the sound of the front door slamming behind him the only sound in the house. 

I stand there for a moment, my eyes trained on the spot where he just stood.

What the hell was his problem?

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