Chapter 5

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Erza's POV

Lucy and I had been talking for a while when we noticed it had started raining. "I think we should head back to your apartment.." I suggested. Lucy nodded and stood up straightening out her skirt.

"Mira!" I called remembering she was sitting behind a nearby tree.

"Mira?" I called again. Nothing.. 'Where is she?' I thought walking over to where I left her.

"Where is she?" Lucy asked.

"I don't know. I left her here and went to talk to you.." I replied.

"Do you think she heard what I said about her.. I didn't mean it, I was just upset," Lucy said, fresh tears forming.

"I don't know. Let's get to your apartment and see if she's there. Knowing her she probably went there to make something for you to eat. We both noticed you haven't eaten today." I said grabbing her hand and heading towards her apartment.

"I hope your right." She said looking at the ground as we walked.

Time Skip Lucy's POV

We got back to my apartment and slowly walked inside expecting Mira to be there. "Mira?" Erza called through the dark apartment.

"Mira?" I called after her.

"She's not here," Erza said sadly. I turned the lights on and went to the kitchen to get us some food. Sure enough, there were two plates on the counter. "Erza!" I called.

"What's up?" She asked walking in.

"Mira must have left these for us," I said motioning towards the plates.

"Huh. I wonder where she went then.." Erza said grabbing one.

"Me too. I hope she's okay." I said picking up the other plate. When I picked up the plate, a note fell to the floor.

I slowly picked it up noticing it had my name on it. 'Was this in the mail? Couldn't be. I didn't get any today' I thought to turn it around to see Mira's handwriting on the front. Erza had already left to take a shower, so I decided to open the letter.



I am so sorry I didn't stop Lisanna from saying those things and I am sorry that they feel the way they do. I know you don't believe I thought I was doing what was right, so I'm going to leave for a while. If you want to know where I am, have Erza check the S-Class request board. It rarely gets visited so she'll know which mission is gone. Then you can check the request book to see wherever it is I decide to go. I hope you can forgive me soon, but I understand if you don't. I guess this is goodbye for a while.


Uh-oh, "Erza!!" I called. I heard the water shut off and the bathroom door swings open.

"What happened?" She asked noting my panic.

"Read this," I stated simply, handing her the letter.

As she read the letter her eyes widened. "What's she thinking. All S-Class quests usually require a team." She said running out the door. I grabbed my keys that I had set on the counter and ran after her.

Erza's POV

What could Mira possibly be thinking? Taking on a request by herself. She just barely got her magic back.. not to mention she hasn't gone on a mission alone in over 2 years. I ran as fast as I could to the guild hall. When I got there, I noticed a note hanging on the door.


I am going on a mission. Lisanna or Kinana will have to fill in for me for a few days.

~Mirajane S.

Under it was the keys. I quickly grabbed them and unlocked the door. I ran in and completely ignored the stairs. I lept from the floor onto a table and from there, up to the second floor.

I went straight to the S-Class board examining what was left. There were only 4 jobs so it wasn't hard to figure out which one was gone. I heard the guild doors open and Lucy calls to me from the first floor. "Erza! Where'd she go?" She yelled.

"Not sure where but she took a job that recommends a team. Grab the Job log from behind the bar." I called down to her.

She jumped over the counter and rummaged around through the many barrels of beer. "Found it!" She yelled jumping back over the counter.

"Great," I yelled jumping down from the balcony.

She handed me the book and I flipped to the page of recently acquired S-Class jobs. Since we haven't had many it was easy to find.

"There," Lucy said pointing to the job Mira took.


Please help us take down the guild Bloody Rose. They have been terrorizing our town for weeks and won't leave.

Reward: 1,000,000 Jewel

Team Recommended

Location: Masama Village

"How far away is that?" Lucy asked.

"About 3 days by train. We have to leave now if we want to catch up to her. We don't have time to pack." I explained.

"That's fine. If I need it, Virgo can get us clothes." She said.

"Let's go then," I said running out of the guild. Lucy was close behind so I re-locked the door and put the key back where it was.

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