Chapter 8 K-POP idol

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Yoongis dad:Yes there so cute. Hey y/n-ah when are we going to meet your parents

Y/n:Umm whenever you want to my mom and dad will be happy to meet you guys anytime

Yoongis mom:Ahhh how about today yeah and then we can go to the mall for the kids and you guys that would be great

Y/n:Yeah sure let's do that it sounds great

Yoongis dad: Yea y/n-ah I wonder if you can become a K-POP idol

Y/n:Well I don't know because I am not really good at anything

Yoongi:Yes she is she is good at singing rapping dancing piano playing and being cute

Yoongis mom:WOW your just like yoongi

Yoongis dad:But he doesn't sing

Y/N:Yoongi-ah why would you say that

Yoongi:Oh and she is also shy

Yoongis mom:Okay we are going to be heading to bighit come on

Y/n:I really don't have the money for that

Yoongis mom:Don't worry about that we will pay for it now shhhh let's go

Yoongis dad:Yes let's go dear

You looked at yoongi and he just looked away

So you guys got in the car and drived to bighit entertainment

Yoongis mom and dad filled out a paperwork sheet and you got in and had to sing and rap and dance to a song for the manager

So you did and did not know that some girls were watching you and yoongi's parents and Yoongi also the twins

This is you singing....



Then after you saw heard people clapping and you saw your boyfriend and the kids and yoongi's parents and other people you did not know

Manager:Wow okay. Your debut is next week and what would you like your stage name to be y/n?

Y/n:Ummm how about Skylar

Manager:Perfect okay here is my phone number and I will call you next week ok have a nice day

Y/n:Gomsahamnida you too

You walk back to the girls and Yoongi and his parents

Y/n:Gomsahamnida. You guys are amazing you said and you guys left and went to the mall

Time skip

After the mall you guys went to go meet your parents

Y/n:Okay guys we are here

You guys went in and you produced yoongi's parents and they got along very well then you tell your mom that you are going to be a..... Kpop idol

She was happy for you then you and Yoongi wanted to go hang out with you guys friends so you did but little do you know what they bought

Yoongi and your parents were still talking so you guys told them that you guys were going to hangout with some friends and then if you could watch the twins for us

Y/M/N:Yes we will now you to have fun. Not to much fun


Y/M/N:what Honey

Y/n:N-Nothing it's just i-i-i love you

Y/M/N:Oh okay love you too honey

You all said goodbye and took your Lamborghini and then you went to see your friends when you guys got there you guys saw lots of cars

You were wandering why was there so many cars IDK who cares let's just go

Then out of nowhere someone yelled at you guys all you were just doing was holding hand

But somehow that voice....sounded you turned around and saw.......







A/n:Okay guys sorry for making it a cliff hanger but that is what Arthur's do"!!!!!

Do you guys know who it is????? Comment

NERD TO BADGIRL (Yoongi×Reader) FinishedWhere stories live. Discover now