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Have you every felt unwanted, like nobody likes you and your never welcome anywhere, and every where you go people leave? Well I do every since my dad died 2 years ago my life has been a complete hell. My siblings dont like me, neither does any of my other family. My mom thinks that its my fault for everything that has happened in our life, but its not.

Some times I feel like I just want to end it, but then I think about my future and how trouble doesnt last always... or does it?

Hey guys my name is Yasmine Henderson and im 17 years old and a carmal complextion, or as some people call it lightskin, I have thick brown-blonde curly hair that goes down to my back.

Im not popular at all I dont have any friends. People are so judgmental nowadays. I dont have all the finer things in life so people talk.. and talk..and talk and sometimes you just cant take Ive wanted to give up many times but theres something in me that stops me everytime.

"Yasmine getcho ugly ass up and get ready for school" my mom said banging on my room door.

"Im up gosh" I said getting up and heading to the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face and grabbing some carmex.

"Mmmm what should I wear , oh here you go"
I had picked up some black leggings with a blue hoodie with some some jays.

As for my hair I just let it do as it pleases it usally is a afro by the end of the day anyway.

"C'mon roach I already dont want to take you to school" my older sister Lauren said. She was 18 and a senior in highschool.

"Alright im coming" I said hurrying up because she will really leave me.

While we were on our way to school I was just looking out the window zoneing out until I felt a harsh push on my shoulder.

"Get out since your trynna fall asleep you can walk the rest of the way " she said with an evil laugh.

I swear I hate her

I got out of her car and walked to school. On my way there a black benz kept following slowly behind me, the windows were tinted so I didnt know who it was.

I decided to walk a little faster because my highschool was just around the corner.

When I reached the highschool I looked behind me and didnt see the benz anymore.

That was weird, I thought in my head.

I brushed it off and headed into the school, I really didnt pay much attention to anything so I just turned on my Iphone 5 and listened to music.

As I was walking I felt a bump as somebody ran into somebody.

"Im so sorry" the boy that ran into me said said.

"Its fine" I said as I put my headphones back in.

I felt a tap on my shoulder

"Hey can you show me to my first class I moved here" he said in a deep tone.

I have to admit he is fine, he was a lightskin with pink plump lips and nice hair and pretty eyes, he is tall and also has swag.

"Ummm... hello " he said waving his hand in my face.

"Oh sorry um let me see your schedule " I asked as he handed it to me. When I was look at his schedule I saw that we have most of our classes together.

"Follow me we have first period together "

"Alright ma " he said making my face go red.

When we made it to first period all eyes were on us sincd we were kind of late.

"Ewww what is she doing with him" a girl said.

"Ooo who is that" another girl said.

Everyone was making smart remarks until the teacher shushed everyone.

"Ms. Henderson why are you late " Mr.Thomas said as all the kids stared at me.

"Ummm I was showing the new kid his classes" I said nervously.

"Well go take a seat and new kid how about you introduce yourself"

"Well my name is Kobe, I moved here from LA and I am the G.O.A.T. at basketball" he said while all the thirsty girl giggled and whispered.

"Well since you already associated with Yasmine how about you go sit next to her" he said trying to be petty.

He went over to a empty seat next to me and sat down.

"So your name is Yasmine I like it " he said looking at me.

"Thank you " I said still looking down.

"Why you act like that "

" How do you want me to act ,thirsty? " I said as he started laughing I didnt see what was funny.

"Naw you good ma " he said while still chuckling.


It was finally lunchtime and I was really hungry so I decided to eat today.

As I was about to sit down and eat. I saw the new kid come sit next to me.

"Wassup new kid " I said eating a french fry.

"Dang cant even say a nigga name " he said pretending to be hurt.

"Nope I dont know you like that "

"You funny you should text me or sum " he said grabbing my phone from the table.

"Boy gimme back my phone " I said trynna get it back but he was taller and stronger than me.

"Put cho password in so I can put my number in it " he said handing me my phone.

I unlocked my phone and handed it to him he put his number in as Kobe🤤👅

Just as I was about to say something the biggest school hoe Carmen came to the table.

"Hey Kobe your sooo cute you should hit me up sometimes " Carmen said as she walked away making sure she twisted her hips and making her brazilian mink hair move with her.

"She totally likes you, you should hit her up " I said taking a sip of my tea.

"Naw ma she look infested " he said I couldnt help but laugh at him.

The school day ended and it was time to go home. Since my sister had cheer practice and I didnt want to wait for her I decided to walk home.

As I was walking home I saw the same benz but this time the car came beside me and rolled the window down and I saw Kobe.

Aint that something





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