You'll Be Paying ME

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A/N: The uniforms and backpacks are below. Both styles are worn, depending on the student.

As Nate and I got changed into our uniforms, Gazzy waited outside the bedroom

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As Nate and I got changed into our uniforms, Gazzy waited outside the bedroom. His quiet humming could be heard as we continued to prepare.

"Dude, do you trust Gazzy? I mean, he's...-"

"Come on boys, hurry up! You two don't want to be late on your first day, do you?"

Gazzy asked from outside. I sighed as I finished loading up my backpack. Nate was always the kind of person to trust someone quickly. I never understood how he could do that so easily.

"Nate, don't you think that it's suspicious? He just randomly shows up and starts making breakfast for us?"

"Yeah, that's why I asked you if we should trust him!"

I rolled my eyes as we exited the bedroom and joined Gazzy at the front door. He had his hands in his pockets as he turned to look at the door. Seconds later, the door swung up and he walked out.

"What the hell?!"

"Oh, did you forget already? I told you didn't I sweetie? I said that I have telepathy and telekinesis. If you've forgotten that, then I doubt you'll get too far in school."

Oh great. He can move things with his mind. O-Okay then...

"Now, let's be on our way boys."

We followed Gazzy through the snowy town. Other students walked past us, ignoring us completely. All of them had white hair.

"What's with that? I thought that some Regulars were brought and made into Uniques? Wouldn't they be students like us?"

"Huh? Oh, yes. They were students. However, dear old Sydney scared them off. They all stopped coming within the first week or two. His choice of words aren't exactly nice."

Oh. So they have bullies here too?

"Is that what you call them? I've always just called him mean. Or something like that. Anyway, you two DO know the three rules, don't you?"

"Of the school? I don't know. I mean, I've heard that our rules are pretty similar."

"Yes, they are. Our main three rules are as follows:

#1: You must NOT attempt to cross the Bridge or river.

#2: Do NOT make any contact, whatsoever, with any Regular, family or not.

#3: Never use magic for evil, or to cause harm to another."

Okay. So pretty close.

"But, does this 'Sydney' do that to every Regular he finds?"

"Yeah, basically. He hates them. All of them. No one knows why, but that poor thing lost his parents, and I bet he blames you Regulars."

"Alright, so Dev and I better watch our backs, is what you're saying?"


Great. Someone to hassle me here too. After a few more minutes of walking, we arrived at the Magic Academy. Holy crap! It's huge! I've never been in a school this big! Wait, Gazzy said that's he's 19, so...

"Yeah. Age doesn't matter here. You only graduate after you've finished your respective classes. No matter the age."

"So, we could be here all our lives?"


This is going to be the worst school ever.

"Hey! Lookie here! More Regulars to pick on!"


'That's Sydney Winthrop. He's the bully, or that's what you'd call him. He'll try to break you two and make you stop coming to school, so watch your backs.'

What the hell!? Gazzy?

'Yeah. I said I specialize in Telepathy, didn't I honey? Come on. You forget things so easily. Oh! Don't forget this. Never call him Sydney. He prefers to be called Syd. Sydney is such a feminine name you see.'

Yeah... sure.

Syd then approached us as we continued to walk towards the main doors.

"Hey Gaz. How's your gay ass doing? No, sorry, wrong question. How're you dads doing?"

"My parents are dead and you know it, Syd."

"Oh yeah, I forgot. Ha. I mean, at least THEY loved you. Your real parents abandoned you, right? That means they didn't want your ugly gay ass-

"Okay, that's enough. I don't know what your problem is, but if you don't shut up, you'll regret it."

Nate... Why'd you have to go and do that? You could've just let it go.


"I said shut up! Gazzy didn't do anything to you, so why are you making fun of him? Him being gay does NOT give you the right to mess with him!"

"Hahaha! This kid thinks he can stand up to me! You're a rookie. You don't even know how to use magic, you idiot."

It's getting closer...

"Why are you protecting his scrawny ass? Hmm? What is he to you kid? What? You gay? Do you like him? Guess that means that you're just another target-

"Everyone SHUT THE HELL UP!"

It snapped. My anger snapped. I can take being made fun of, and since I don't know Gazzy all that well, I can take him being made fun of... but NOT NATE.

"Who the hell are you?!"

"I'm the person you'll have to deal with if you don't leave these two alone! Got that?! If there wasn't a rule for not using magic for evil, I would totally beat your ass!"

"You're their friend? Are you putting yourself up there too? You'd make yourself a target for those two?"

"Yeah. I am. As long as you make fun of my friends, you'll have HELL to pay. Oh, and you won't be paying the devil or anything. No no no... You'll be paying someone far worse than the Devil himself."

"Ha. Who will I be paying then you bastard?"

"Haha. The person you'll be paying... is ME."

Everyone watched as the boy and his friends turned and walked away. Sydney couldn't help but notice the glare that Devan was sending him. The look in his eyes terrified him. Devan was right. The person he'd be paying... is far worse than the Devil himself.

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