How You Meet

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Author's Note:

The reader is not Eri in this book! You will attend Crobi academy with all of the boys as well. I will also be treatimg the boys like actual humans for later chapters! Thank you!


You worked at the department store near your academy. You didn't hate your job, but you didn't absolutely love it either. Today was another day of helping customers in the dressing rooms: changing sizes, opening rooms, etc. You noticed a girl come in with five guys. You recognized the girl from your class; her name was Eri. The other five you knew as the hot five: Yeonho the chick, Mr. Yuri, Tei or Prince Sunshine, Red, and...Lance the ice prince. You had a small crush on Lance but you knew that he wasn't interested in any girls.

You watched them go separate ways. Tei went to the designer section, Yeonho and Red to the children section, Mr. Yuri to the formal section, and Lance and Eri headed somewhere else. I closed my eyes and before I knew I felt my co-worker Hana nudge me. I groggily opened my eyes, "What, Hana?" She squealed, "Your crush is coming this way!"

I quickly fixed my hair and face. I stood up straight and looked around. Lance was coming this way with Eri. Hana led them to the dressing room right in my line of sight. Lance tried on different clothes and each time Hana would recommend different articles of clothing. Lance came out the dressing room in the last set of clothes. Hana looked at him, "Are you a model? You look so good in these cloth-" She reached out to him but he simply glared at her, "Do not touch me." I approached them.

"Excuse me, is there a problem?" Hana giggled and left, leaving me alone. Eri spoke up, "(Y/n), is that you?" I nodded, "Yeah. It is. Do you need any help?" She happily sighed, "Do you think he looks good in these clothes?" I nodded, "...but one thing..." I noticed that the bowtie on the jacket collar was crooked.

I looked at Lance and gestured to the bowtie, "Do you mind, Lance?" He shook he head, "No. I do not." I fixed the tie and pulled away with a blush on my cheeks, "There you go." He went back into the dressing room and Eri went to check out. I walked back to the desk and sighed. I dozed off when someone nudged me again. I thought it was Hana, "What Hana?"

It wasn't Hana, "Thank you for the help earlier." It was Lance. I blushed, "Oh. It was no problem at all." I saw the corners of his mouth lift for a second. His blue eyes bored into mine, "You aren't like the annoying girls at the academy. Here." He handed me something before leaving the store.

              It was a piece of paper.
                          On it was
                    Lance's number!


Today was the school's annual bake sale. You were in charge of cakes and decided to make carrot cake. You made the cake and frosting from scratch. You set out the pre-sliced cake on a nice display and waited.

7 people had came and bought some carrot cake and other sweets. You saw Yeonho, or the chick as everybody calls him, come in. He looked around the various tables and eventually came to your last piece of cake. You liked how his eyes lit up when he saw it. He looked at you.

"Wow...Can I get that slice of carrot cake?" You nodded and smiled, "Of course. Here you go. You wrapped up the cake and handed it to him. Your hands touched and you blushed, "H-Have a nice day." He blushed, "You too..."


After many days of begging from Soi, I went to Banjul with her, Shinbi, and Eri. All the girls at the academy went there just to see Tei. Eri had told me that the cafe had really good tea and sweets. No to mention that the cafe was run by cute guys!

We arrived at the cafe and were greeted by Tei. He smiled and lead us to a table. He handed us the menu, "Let me know when you're ready." I looked at the menu and decided to get the Zzz tea. Tei came back around to get our orders. He got their orders and turned to me, "And you, miss?"

I blushed lightly, "Um...Zzz tea, please." He chuckled, "Of course. I'll be right back." He left and we talked amongst ourselves. The drinks came out about 10 minutes later. Tei placed the drinks on the table along with a bowl of cookies. We smiled and thanked him before drinking our tea.

After 30 minutes, we finished up. Eri and I got our tea in some to go cups for later. As we walked out, I noticed some black ink on the cup. I lifted it to inspect it. There was a phone number on the cup! We passed Tei and he winked at me.


My friend, (F/n), decided to drag me to a concert because of some 'sexy drummer' as she put it. We were in this underground stage venue. As we went to our seats, I saw a lot of girls wearing revealing clothing, making me feel a little out of place.

We sat down just as the band started. I looked for the drummer that she was talking about. I gasped when I finally caught sight of him. It was Mr. Yuri! I never would have thought that he was a band drummer and music teacher. The concert continued and I kept my eyes on Mr. Yuri the whole time. The concert ended and (F/n) went to get something so I waited.

That's when I was bumped into. I quickly apologized, "I'm sorry!" I went to walk away because of my embarrassment but a hand grabbed my shoulder, "...It's alright, darling." I gasped. That voice, "Mr. Yuri?!" I looked up. And there he was. The grin on his face was replaced with a smirk, "I remember you. (Y/n) (L/n). In the freshman class N with Eri."

I blushed, "Yes...that's me." He chuckled, sending chills down my spine, "Of course, I could never forget you. You actually understand music...and men." I giggled, "Oh, Mr. Yuri..." I leaned close to him, "It's going to take a lot more than that."

He looked at me, "So feisty. I'll see you in class, my honey~" With that he sauntered off. Leaving me alone with a confused (F/n) that just came back.


You had just left school and were heading home. You took the short cuts through the alleys like you always did. At the end of the next alley, however; you took a wrong turn and met a dead end. As you turned around, you noticed 2 men at the entrance to the alley. They seemed to be looking for something...or someone.

You tried to sneak out quietly but you ended up stepping on a wrapper. They turned to you, "Well. Look what we have here...fresh meat." You backed away towards the dead end again. You hit the brick wall and watched them advance. You screamed as loud as you could. It echoed down the alley, then faded.

You slid down the wall and hid your head in your knees. You heard their footsteps stop right in front of you, then running footfalls. You looked up. Another man stood at the end of the alley. His hair was a light cherry red. It was Red from school. The two men turned to him, laughing, "You think you can take us, pretty boy?" Red looked at them, "Get out of here. Now." His tone was unwavering and strong.

The two men left the alley way and you shriveled up into a tiny ball. You felt a hand on your shoulder and instinctively pushed it off. Then you heard Red's voice, "H-hey! It's just me. Calm down." You looked up, Red held out his hand for you and you grabbed it. He helped you up and took you home, asking the whole way if you were ok. Once you got to your house he let go of you and smiled, "I'll see you at school tomorrow, (Y/n). Bye!"

You smiled and waved. He walked down the street and disappeared out of sight. I sighed happily, "My hero..."

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