He Gives You A Hickey

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Author's Note: For this scenario, I'm not doing Yeonho or Red as they are too innocent for such things. This is a Yuri, Tei, and Lance chapter!


I was sitting with Lance on the roof. Lunch had just started and everyone was crowding the cafeteria. My head rested on Lance's shoulder as I played with my phone. About 30 minutes passed and Lance started packing up his bag. The bell was going to ring soon. I grabbed my bag and stood.

I turned to Lance and he kissed me. Usually, our kisses were short, but not today. He deepened the kiss before pulling away and kissing my neck. I shivered as Lance bit down on the skin and sucked on it. I gripped his shoulders and spoke quietly, "L-Lance...!" Just then, the bell rang.

Without a word, Lance left the roof. I checked my neck with my phone camera and saw a dark red hickey on my neck. I gasped and and hurried after Lance angrily, "Lance!"

Yuri: (Warning! Nsfw Themes!)

Prom was coming up at the academy and everyone was preparing. A lot of girls and guys had dates to go with. I had gotten asked to prom by 3 guys in the last two days. I turned them all down. The worst thing about them asking me was that they did it during Yuri's class!

Yuri then decided to give me detention. The day continued on, and after school ended, I headed to Yuri's classroom for detention. I opened the door and saw him sitting at his desk looking through some papers. I cleared my throat and he looked up, "Ah. Come in." I came in and shut the door behind me.

He stood up and went to the door, locking it. He led me to his desk and pulled me into his lap, "My honey...I heard everyone talking about those boys that asked you to prom...in front of me." He smirked and I shivered, "A-And?" His hand brushed against my neck, "I don't like other people messing with what's mine~"

With that, he kissed me. I turned and straddled him. His tongue ran over my lip and I opened my mouth. Our tongues battled for dominance and Yuri won. He pulled away and his lips trailed down my neck. He nipped and sucked at the skin. I ran my hands through his hair. He ghosted over a sensitive patch of skin and I let out a whimper.

He smirked and bit down into the skin there. I let out a moan, trying to keep quiet, "Y-Yuri...!" He pulled away and looked at me. I blushed. He chuckled, "Is my honey shy?" I got off of him and grabbed my bag. I unlocked the door and gave him one last kiss before leaving the academy.

After getting home, I looked in the mirror and shrieked, "Yuri!"


I had started working at Banjul with Tei. More people, especially guys, flocked to the cafe after finding out that an ex-model worked there. I grabbed some menus and brought them to the table I was serving. At this table, was one guy from the academy.

I handed him the menu and walked around checking on other customers. After about 5 minutes, I went back to his table. The whole time, I could feel Tei's eyes on me. I pulled out my order pad, "What can I get for you today?" He ordered a candied lemon tea and I scribbled it down before grabbing the menu and giving it to Zion before going into the kitchen.

I headed over to Hobin - who was making the tea - and gave him the order. After 10 minutes, handed me the tray with the plate and tea cup. I headed back out to the table and placed the tea down, "There you go. Anything else?" He shook his head, "No, thanks. Sweetheart." As I walked away, he wolf whistled.

I checked the time and went to the break room. I grabbed a bottle of water and took a couple sips. I looked at the clock: 4:45. It was time for Tei's break as well. Right after that, the door opened and Tei came in. He looked at me, "You seem to be enjoying your job...sweetheart."

When he said sweetheart, it sounded venomous. I looked at him and grinned, "You're jealous!" He came over to me. Suddenly, he pinned me to the counter. I gulped. He leaned towards me with that grin of his, "Maybe. After all, I'm the only one you're supposed to think about that way." He pressed his lips to my neck, turning the clear skin red. I tilted my head slightly, giving him more access.

I gasped when he bit down and tugged at the skin. He pulled away and started on another part of my neck. I tried to keep quiet, but my neck was really sensitive, so everything he did was amplified. I could feel him smirking as he bit down again, causing me to let out a small moan. Just as he was going to do it again the door opened.

Mr. Hobin poked his head in and shook his head jokingly, "Come on, you two. I pay you to serve customers, not get up close and personal in the break room." I pulled away from Tei and hurried to the bathroom.

I looked in the mirror, seeing the two red marks on my neck. I reached into my apron pocket for my concealer compact but felt only a piece of paper. I pulled it out and saw it was a note. It said I knew you were going to try this, so I took it. Nice try though.

I sighed, knowing full well who wrote this. For the rest of work, I could feel everyone's gazes on me and my neck. I tried covering with my shirt, but Tei would keep stopping me.

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