Chapter 7

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(Regina's POV)

At that moment my heart stopped. I could not believe what I was reading. Emma Swan is my other true love. As in THE Emma Swan. As in Snow White's daughter. As in Henry's biological mother. As in the woman who ruined my relationship with Robin. How could this be? Next thing I know my phone buzzes again. This time it is a phone call from Tink.

"Regina you need to get down to Emma's apartment right now." Tinkerbell said instantly after I clicked the "answer" button.

"Look your pixie dust must be mistaken. How could it be Emma Swan? How can I have more than 1 true love? Is that even possible?" I asked unsure.

"It is possible. Rare, but possible, and its happening to you. You need to come down here righ now!" Tink explained to me.

"For what? To tell Emma Swan that I'm her true love? No, I can't do that." I responded firmly.

"Actually you can but you don't need to."

"Huh? Please do clarify."

"You don't need to tell her. You need to show her." She clearified with a sharp yet naturing tone.

"And how exactly do you suppose I do that?"

"You know, make your move. Flirt a little, stuff like that."

"Excuse me? You want me to flirt...with Emma Swan? I don't even have feelings for her and you expect me to try and make a move on her?"

"You may think you dont feel anything about her Regina but on the inside you do. By flirting, or doing what ever it is you do to win people over, it will open up not only Emma's mind but your own also. Trust me Regina you will thank me later." The fairy said with a huge grinn spreading across her face.

"And what about Robin?" I questioned puzzled.

"Thats going to be the hard part. Sooner or later you are going to have to choose between Emma and Robin. It doesn't have to be any time soon but you will, and it may be the toughest desicion of your life but in the end your heart will tell you who to pick and you will know if you have made the right choice."

I silently stood in place for a moment, Tink still on the end of the line. After a while I finally decided to speak.

"Okay fine. I will be right there."

"I'll be waiting!" the fairy exclaimed. I couldn't see her but knew that the fairy was smiling from ear to ear. I hung up and began to walk down the street in the direction of the Charming's apartment.

* * *

(Narrator's POV)

Regina finally reached the Charmings apartment. She approached Tinkerbell and they began to speak.

"So what do I say?" Regina asked.

"Just flirt with her. There isn't any specifics. Just don't use corny pick up lines." The fairy explained.

"Well I won't because I don't have any 'pick up lines.' I have never really done this before."

"Never done what before? Flirt with someone?"

Regina gave Tink an aggrivated look.

"Yes Tinkerbell, I have never flirted with anyone. People usually flirt with me not the other way around."

"Well, there is a first time for everything!" The fairy exclaimed with a big grinn that Regina wanted to smack off her face. Her and Regina walked inside and up to the Charmings door. Tinkerbell knocked for Regina and then was suddenly gone. Regina face was a mixture if anger and confusion. About 15 seconds later Emma opened the door. She saw Regina and gave her a soft smile.

"Hi" Emma said happily.

"Hello. May I come in?" Regina asked.

"Yes of course. Unless your coming to kill me cause in that case you can't" Emma replied and they both giggled.

"I asure you I am not here to kill you." Regina chuckled.

"Well in that case, come on in." Regina took a few steps in and Emma closed the door behind her. They walked over to the dining room table and Regina sat down while Emma poured them both coffee. Once she finished making the coffee she walked over and sat across the table from Regina. She placed one cup in front of Regina and one in front of herself.

"I have to admit I'm a little-- a lot, suprised that you came her not wanting to hurt me. Or did you just say that so you could get in and then kill me?"

Regina chuckled lightly. "No Ms Swan, I simply came here to talk."

"Oh okay. What did you want to talk to me about?"

Regina didn't really want to talk to her about anything, but she was forced to come up with something. Anything.

"Henry." Regina spat out.

"Okay what about Henry? Is he okay?" Emma asked concerned.

"Oh yes he is fine. He wanted he wanted me to invite you over for dinner tonight." Regina was happy with how quick she came up with her answer.

"Yea okay sure. What's for dinner? Should I bring anything?"

'Quick Regina think fast' she thought to herself. Then she came up with an that night's dinner and a way to flirt.

"Just bring yourself. We're having taco's." Regina said with a half flirtatios smirk. Emma nearly spit out her coffee.

"For dinner." Regina finished satisfied by Emma's reaction. She obviously got off on a good start. 'Maybe this wont be so hard' Regina thought to herself waiting for Emma's reaponse.

"Uhhh....yea okay. I'll be there. What time?" Emma finally spoke after coming out of the shock Regina put her in with the dinner plans and her flirty face.

"7:00. Don't be late." Regina said with a wink. Emma sort of just sat there and smiled, shocked by the brunette.

"Well I should get going. I have some business to attend to." Regina finally spoke, breaking the silence. They both stood up and walked to the door.

"I really do hope you come tonight. It would really mean a lot to Henry seeing us getting a long."

"Yea I know. I'll be there. Emma said opening the door and leaning against it. Regina and Emma stood there staring at eachother for a good minute or so before foot steps came from the hallway.

"Hello Regina" Snow said with a nervous smile.

"Hello Snow." Regina greeted back.

"Are you coming in or?"

"No I was actually just leaving."

"Oh okay. Well then goodbye." Snow said with a smile walking into the apartment and up the stairs.

"Goodbye Emma."

"Goodbye Regina."

And with that Regina walked away.

Emma went back into her apartment, closed the door, and leaned her back against the wall.

"What. Was. That?" Emma quietly asked herself. She knew she felt a spark in her heart. It felt weird for her. Weird but pleasuring.


Hey everyone! Sorry it took me so long to update! But with work and house chores I barely had time to write and I wanted to make this one longer than usual. Hope you enjoy! Im not working this week coming up so I might update a lot to make up for lost time with you guys. Hope your enjoying!!!!

-xoxo Becca 💖

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