Seeing a movie at midnight and going outside after, waiting for our rides. There was no traffic and you could smell the fresh rain. I felt like we were..
Running doing our circuits together
When you gave me a bloody nose on accident ♡ you were so sad about it.. You use to be so sweet
Spending thanksgiving together and falling asleep
The one time we fell asleep on accident watching YouTube
Everytime we got Chinese and donuts together
When we would play Xbox together. Thankyou for buying it for me.♡
Our first shower together
When we took all those Snapchat videos together after school
When we made eggs and a cake together
When we danced in your living room together
When you showed me how all of the rb people dance the same by dancing for me
Walking to cvs in the rain and back
Making random bird and meep meep noises
Doing homework together
Falling asleep on the phone together
Everytime you'd walk me to the bus stop
When Id take you home on the bus
Eating subway and afters
God there are so many. I can't believe this is the end of T and C.