Chapter III. You're Not Alone

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My hands were in Andy's hair, and his tongue was down my throat. We were kissing like crazy, his hands roaming my body as we laid in his bed.

He pulled away, gazed at my, opened his mouth- and Sleeping With Sirens' "If I'm James Dean, You're Audrey Hepburn" blared from his mouth.

What... the fuck.

I awoke with a start, and scrambled around as I realized my phone was ringing. I tripped over my bag as I hurried to my desk, but finally managed to get my phone.

"Ah-ahem, hel-hello?" I answered in a calm-ish voice. 

"Hey, Hailie, um- well, we're in your living room," Andy told me.

"What?!" I shrieked.

"Uh- yeah. It's 11:30, and your parents let us in to- oh," he said, hanging up as he realized I'd run downstairs and was now in the doorway to the living room. 

"Anyways, yeah, so your parents let us in to wait for you. They're awesome, by the way, did you know that?" Andy continued, sipping tea from a little white and pink and blue teacup. I almost lost my cool and laughed my ass off. I mean, imagine: A 6'4" guy with tattoos and a pierced lip and long black hair on one side of his head and a shaved patch on the other, and super arched eyebrows and glowing blue eyes and wearing leather and studs and boots.... 

Sipping from a tiny little white teacup with pink and blue decorations, with the little white saucer in his other hand.

Seriously. I had some fucking talent for not laughing.

"Nice PJ's," Ashley smirked with a raised brow. Only then did I realize  I was still in my PJ's... a black spaghetti strap shirt, and black Spanxx shorts.

Shit! I squealed, and ran upstairs.

"We'll be down here!" CC laughed. I shut my door, and threw on a good outfit- tight black tank top, with dark blue half-calf-length capris, and black and white checkered slip on Vans (not the lace ups).

I quickly brushed my teeth and hair and smoothed the lengths, threw on some eyeliner, grabbed my phone, and was back downstairs by 11:45. When I went to the living room, the guys quickly stood. Jake disappeared off somewhere.

"Ready? Let's go!" CC linked his arm in mine. I turned to say bye to my parents. My mom hugged me, and kissed my cheeks. She looked... kind of sad. My dad looked like he was in a trance, almost, and was unresponsive to me. I hugged him anyways. I relinked with CC's arm, and left with the guys. We boarded the bus, and it began the drive back to the venue. Jake came out of the bedroom at the end of the hallway - so that's where he went. 

"I'm sorry I slept late, guys," I apologized.

"Oh, it's no problem!" Jinxx told me. I sat on a booth behind the table under the window, and watched the scenery pass by. 

"So... Hailie, we, uh... well, we need to talk to you," Ashley said, sliding in next to me. The others sat around the table, too... Jake by Ashley, then Andy directly in front of me, then Jinxx by them, and CC next to me. And they were all staring at me.

"About... what?" I asked nervously. 

"There are things..." Andy begins, "that are kept hidden from humans... things that need to be kept seecret. Things like... certain existences... certain... species."

"What do you mean? What are you talking about?" I chuckled nervously as they stared intently at me.


"Ok. You're joking, right?" I laughed. Of course! These guys... of course they were messing with me! Haha! Jerks.

"No. I'm not. We are Vampires..." Andy  took a deep breath, "and you are one of us as well."

What were they on? I always thought the band didn't do drugs. 

"Look, I'm sorry, but I don't have fangs. I don't drink blood, and I don't get hurt by sunlight, so..." I shrugged.

"That's because you haven't gone through your Change yet," Jake said. I gulped. They... were dead serious. And their eyes weren't bloodshot or dilated, and they were speaking clearly, so they realy weren't on drugs...

"My... my Change?" I choked.

"The process in which you transform into a full fledged Vampire. Right now, you're just a Fledgling," Jinxx said in a quiet voice, as if knowing I was on edge. 

"Right... and how can you tell I'm a 'Fledgling'? How do you know you haven't just made a mistake?" I asked.

"Well, when a Vampire is in the presence of a Fledgling, they feel a pull. That, and Vampire's have specific scents," Andy explained. "A full fledged Vampire has an underlying floral scent," so that explained why they all smelled flowery, "Humans have a soapy scent, and Fledglings have a very... distinctive scent."

"Like... what?" I demanded. "What do 'Fledglings' smell like?"

"Rotting mean," Ashley answered bluntly when Andy hesitated. My jaw dropped. Seriously?!

"Well, how do you know I didn't have... um... an old steak or something in my bag?" I crossed my arms. 

"Seriously?" CC asked, smirking.

"It was worth a shot," I mumbled, shrugging.

"I'm sorry, but... I need some proof. I just... I'm having a hard time believing all this," I shook my head. Andy looked at the others, then they all looked at me... and disappeared, except for Andy. Not like, 'poof! Out of nowhere!' disappeared, but they just shot off in different directions, blakc and white and tan blurs before they were just... gone.

"Oh... shit..." I murmured, feeling the blood drain from my face. Andy must've noticed.

"My bedroom is down the hall, if you need to be alone for a bit," he said gently. So that's whose bedroom it was. I merely nodded, stood, and shuffled to the room like a zombie, with Andy following.

"When you want to know more, just come on out when you're ready," he murmured, stroking my hair. "And I wouldn't recommend Googling us, because they can be very wrong sometimes," he chuckled. I smiled weakly, and shut the door. I sat on the bed, and just tried to... soak it all in. My heroes... were Vampires.

And so was I.


Okayy, so let me know what you guys think! :) Comment, Vote, Follow, you know the drill. If you made it this far, CONGRATULATIONS! ASHFADKGHAKDH! You get a cookie!

seriously though, thanks a lot guys if you've read this far. I really appreciate it! Even if you dont like it, I appreciate the effort!! 

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