Chapter 6

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When Jimin woke up he can't help but smile. Jimin always loves cuddling, and what he is having right now is more than enough. The thing is he badly needs to go to the bathroom so he tries to move once again. When he is about to move his boyfriend's arm around his waist the giant bunny whines and snuggle more to him. He is not complaining, no of course not but his bladder is begging him to release. He inhaled and exhaled and forcefully push his own boyfriend away from him and runs towards the nearest bathroom.

He sighs in relief when he finished his business. He also washes up already because he smells really bad. That's because they didn't clean after their intimate scenes last night and he knew the younger will hate him for that.

When he went out of the bathroom, the bed is already unoccupied. He frowned and put his used clothes beside his luggage reminding himself to do something about that later. He gets his phone from the bedside table and walks towards the camera they use yesterday. When they finished their second-round last night, they luckily remember the camera and turn it off after making sure that they save the clip, which he needs to edit out he didn't want his viewers to hear their noise. He chuckles and keeps the camera on its own bag and proceeds to find his giant baby bun.

"Baby? Kookoo?" He calls.

"Kookoo... Where are you baby? Koo-" he stops talking when he found the younger seated on the chairs on the kitchen sipping his daily banana milk which is normal to Jimin. What is not normal on the scene in front of him is the bulky guy seated beside his boyfriend, the left hand playing with the younger's hair. He cleared his throat to get their attention, he smiles when both of them look at him.

"I didn't know you have a visitor baby?" He asked walking towards the younger who looks uncomfortable now. He looks at the other and nods.

"Uhm... you know him Jiminie, this is Daniel. Daniel, you know Jimin right? From Busan? He is my.... boyfriend." Jungkook said being shy and all.

"Yes of course! Good morning! I'm sorry for what happened during the reunion. So, you finally got him huh." Daniel said with a bit of a cocky tone. Jimin smirks and seat on his boyfriend's lap then lean back to kiss him in front of the EX boyfriend.

"That's okay! I know you're just being a brat but that's okay now. Why are you here by the way?"

"Jimin." Jungkook said glaring at his hyung who just shrug and peck his nose.

"I sometimes visit him, hyung. I also heard that he won the tournament yesterday so I'm here to ask him out for breakfast to celebrate." Daniel answered.

"Well, he can't-"

"Jimin. Stop it. I already told him I can't okay." Jungkook said with a dominant tone. Jimin looks at his younger boyfriend then glare at him. He stood up and went back to Jungkook's room not minding how Jungkook called him. He slammed the door closed and throw himself back to the bed.

"Jiminie? Babe?" Jungkook opens the door after knocking twice to check his boyfriend he sighs when he saw the older focus on his phone, Air Pods in his ears.

"Baby! What are you doing?" He said cheerfully plopping himself beside his boyfriend. He frowned when Jimin ignored him. "This is not good" Jungkook thought and mentally smirks when he got some idea to get some attention.

"Baby~ Babe~ Why are you ignoring me?" He whines he also uses his legendary pout that will always give him what he wants, but no Jimin is still ignoring him.

"Yah!" He huffed and then hit Jimin's shoulder, which made Jimin look at him. No glare at him.

"Why are you ignoring m-" Jungkook stop talking when his boyfriend moves out of the bed taking his Air Pods out of his ears and ready to leave the room.

"Wait! What is wrong with you?!" Jungkook said gripping at Jimin's wrist hard.

"Let. Me. Go" Jimin said in satoori waiting for the younger to let go of his wrist.

"I'm sorry okay? Daniel sometimes visits me-"

"Sometimes and you NEVER told me?!"

"Because I know you will be like this, I'll tell you now. I'm sorry hyung, it's just he is my best friend too this visiting thing is a habit of him ever since he left this house. We sometimes spend time together catching up. Don't be surprised if some of his things are in the spare room, but he will take it all with him when he and Seongwoo hyung get their new house. Don't be angry Jiminie, I'm sorry for what I did just a while ago it's just your being childish and-"

"I'M NOT BEING CHILDISH!! You didn't tell me things about your EX BOYFRIEND! How do you expect me to act when I saw him seated close beside you playing with your hair like that?! You know how I broke up with my EX Jungkook, you can't tell me not to think about it." Jimin said looking at his younger boyfriend.

"What do you mean? You don't trust me? You're thinking that I will do what that asshat did to you? What the fuck Jimin?!" Jungkook shouted, but the older just stare at him.

"I do, of course, I do trust you. But the long-distance relationship is hard Jungkook, everything can happen. And you being still close and spending time with your EX not to tell that he is your FIRST LOVE, FIRST KISS, FIRST DATE, FIRST EVERYTHING it scares me a lot! The two of you had been together for years, you love each other so much how sure I am you don't feel anything to him now?! I'm scared that you and Daniel will realize that you both still love each othe-"

"You really think I will do that? You're using that LDR shit too?! I was the one who told you that it will be hard for us but who said it will be alright?! You! Now you're being like this?! You really talking about the past, well who is the flirt during high school? Who flirts with anyone as his past time? Who Jimin?! You're acting like this because of Daniel still being my best friend, did I said anything about YOU being someone's SOULMATE?! NO!! How many times you canceled our scheduled facetime because of him?! How many times you didn't answer my call if you're with Taehyung? Do you even remember how much your BEST FRIEND SOULMATE hate me? He didn't like me! Yet I never said anything to you! I didn't because I know he is your best friend, and if I will say something you will be hurt! I can't even stop myself thinking he is more than a best friend!!" Jungkook yelle, tears from frustration ready to drop. He can't just understand why this is happening to them. He is so frustrated.

"I didn't know I'm hurting you like this for being with Taehyung. I know I flirt a lot, even if we are together now but you know it is me and I use it for work too. I will never hurt you intentionally by flirting with someone, I love you so much to do that. I'm sorry about being childish now, I just got scared when I saw Daniel with you and my insecurities hit me. I'm so scared to be left alone. Again." Jimin said still staring at Jungkook, then grabbing his wallet and phone then left.

Jungkook didn't stop him.


Hello! Surprise!!!

Did you really think I will end it without a bit of drama?! Me?! HAHA.

Well guess what I have 4 more chapters~

See you next update!

Tell me what you think! I always love it when someone comments on my works!

Bye~ Take care everyone!

Luv u! Love, support and trust bangtan!!

Ps. A lot of things happening right now, even here in my own country... Please lets all hope and pray that everything will be fine soon and everyone will be safe. Respect each others opinion and dont believe in whatever you see in social media without solid proof. Support and dont demand. Be safe!


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