5 - Halloween

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I woke up with tears staining my pillow, I went up to my mirror and looked at myself, I was a mess, I fixed my hair into a long Braid, I grabbed some clothes and changed.

I went downstairs and ate breakfast "How was yesterday?" My dad asked "It's was great." I lied and faked a smile "We went swimming, played volleyball, and watch the sunset." I said, my dad smiled and I heard the door ring "That must be Ali, got to go, love you guys!"

I went to the door and opened it "Hey Al-" I looked up and saw Johnny, he had flowers in his hands. I frowned and walked out the door, I closed it quickly then slapped Johnny.

I quickly walked to Ali's house "F/n wait!" He yelled for me, I stopped and turn around "Why should I?" I yelled at him, he went up to me and kissed me, I quickly pushed him away "What is wrong with you!?" I yelled at him "F/n I'm sorry..." he said, my eyes teared up "No you aren't." I said "Instead Of handling the situation differently you diside to punch him." I said, Johnny frowned "Larruso was taking you on a date, what else was I going to do?" I wiped a tear off my face "oh I don't know maybe listen to me explain about it, uh maybe you could have walked away, anything but punch him!" Johnny threw the flowers at the ground by me and went to his motorcycle and left quickly, my knees sank to he ground as I watched him leave.

I got up eventually and went to Ali's house in tears, I rang her bell and she answered the bell "Oh no, Johnny?" She asked I nodded, she quickly pulled me into a hug and took me to her car, I got in and we drove to school.

I got out and we walked to my first class, that had Johnny in it. I walked in avoiding looking at him at all, I listened to the teacher for the rest of the class and he didn't bother me. Not even for the rest of the school day.

Today I was going to help out for the Halloween dance with Ali and her friends, I walked in to see Ali and her friends, I walked over but someone grabbed my arm, I turn to see Johnny "F/n please just listen." He said, I yanked my arm away and walked to Ali, he left me alone and I helped Ali with balloons.

It was cheer tryouts today and I went, Ali said she would cheer me on and I'm glad she is. Everyone got in a line so I joined in "Hi everyone! So today is tryouts for cheer as you know, to try out I will be teaching you a quick routine." The cheer captain said.

We learned the routine and I did it the best I could. It turned out great and hopefully they will chose me. We finished and we got in a line again "Ok, so when I call your name, you will walk up to Ali over here and you will grab your uniform." The captain said "Samantha B. Elenor J. Saturn R. Ellie E. And last but not least, we have F/n l/n/l (last name letter), congrats everyone and I'm sorry if you didn't make the team." I smiled and went to grab the uniform from Ali, she smiled and congratulated me.

Later Ali and I were done with school do we headed out, as soon as I got home I looked at my calendar, it was Halloween in 3 days and I still didn't have a costume.

I went downstairs and walked into my dads office "Hey dad?" I said he looked up from his work and looked at me "Yes?" He said "Can you or mom take me to get a costume for a Halloween?" He nodded "I cant take you but I'm sure your mother can take you." He said, I nodded and went to my mom "Hey mom, can you take me to get a costume?" I asked "Sorry sweetheart I can't right now, maybe ask Ali if you wanna get costumes together, or maybe make them." She said "Fine." I said,

I went to Ali's and knocked on her door,  she answered "Hey I need someone to take me to the Halloween store, my parents won't take me, can you take me and maybe we can pick our costumes out?" I Said

She smiled "Sound fun! Go ahead and get in the car I need to get the keys and then we can leave." She said, I did so and after she got in we headed out.

We got to the store and got out, we walked in and looked at all the costumes, Ali found hers pretty quickly, she chose a angel and I chose a little red riding hood.

We checked out and I went back home. The three days went passed quickly and it was now time for the dance, I got ready to go and was downstairs waiting for Ali and her friends, when they got here my parents took a photo then we left to the dance.

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