My whole world

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Coming from a prestigious pure blood family, it was natural for Aria to be sorted to Slytherin House. Totally natural for her to appear intimidating to her classmates, totally natural for her to excel in studies, totally natural for her to become the Prefect of her house in her fifth year.   

What was NOT natural for Aria was falling for the the Quidditch captain, sorry Hufflepuff Quidditch Captain..a muggle born or 'Mudblood' as her family would call it. 

It all started in Aria's first year, when she had been frantically looking for her charms class but was hopelessly lost in the big castle. She got pushed by the group of busy students passing by. Aria stumbled and was about to hit the the cold hard floor, when a pair of arms had instinctively caught her. 

"Are you okay?" The reddish brown haired Hufflepuff had asked.

"Yeah..I guess" Aria spoke hesitantly, standing up. 

"Do you need help?" He smiled, and suddenly Aria's heart was pounding faster than ever. He had a unique heart shaped smile. Two little dimples flashed whenever he talked and it was simply a beautiful sight to behold. 

Aria shyly thanked him after he showed her the way to her class.

After that day, they never spoke again; partly because Aria was essentially nervous and shy around him and partly because he was totally opposite of what she was.
Hoseok was a walking manifestation of the Sun, painting the dull walls of the old castle with his huge illuminating smile. He was warm and so friendly that he could probably befriend Hungarian horntail if he wanted. 

Whereas Aria, was shy, reserved, misunderstood and judged because of her family background. 

She had very less or practically no friends, and din't really talk to anyone except Jimin and sometimes Yoongi, her fellow Slytherins mates and her white and brown Barn Owl, Oliver. 

Yet she couldn't help herself and had always silently observed Hoseok from afar, watching him being an sweet heart and a source of Hope to the the people around him irrespective of their age. Helping his juniors with studies or teaching them Quidditch, comforting children if he found one crying. 

He was his teacher's absolute favourite but still extremely popular among the masses for obvious reasons because hufflepuff had not lost one single match under his leadership. His fellow Hufflepuff mate, Taehyung would remind people of his hyung's accomplishment every now and then, much to Hoseok's embarrassment.   

Jungkook a Revenclaw, one of Hoseok's best friends or brothers actually, had once told her that girls had sent chocolates frogs filled with love potion, hoping that it would make Hoseok fall in love with them and it took them a great amount of time to dissuade Hoseok from eating them. 

Aria had laughed thinking how stupid the idea was.

Love is the most genuine thing in the world, it can't be faked.

In the past 5 years, Aria had accepted the fact that she was a misfit and in noway worthy of being friends with someone like Hoseok, let alone anything else.

But that couldn't stop her from caring for him. She silently cheered for him , hoping he would win every match he played even if it was against her own house.
And whenever he got hurt, which was way too frequent, she would stop by the hospital but enter only when no one was around and the boy was fast asleep. 
And every time would leave her favourite flowers, white gardenias in a Vase next to his bed.

She often wondered that did he even pay attention to the flowers or did Madam Pomfrey just threw them away. 

She might never get to know. 


Aria was returning from prefect's meeting and went straight to her comfort place, the library. 
She sat alone near an isolated window and buried herself inside her books. The sun was bidding good bye to this part of the world and cool evening breeze blew softly through her hair. 

"Um can I sit here? everywhere else is full."

Aria heart jumped out of her chest when she recognised the source of the voice right away, without even looking at his face. 

"Yeah Sure" She muttered without taking a glance at the reddish brown haired boy now sitting next to her, fearing that her pink cheeks would giver her away. 

They both sat in silence, reading. There was an odd kind of comfort between them. Somehow, there was no obligations of making a small talk. It was peaceful. Aria loved it.

Five days later, after the next prefect's meeting, she had saved a seat next to her. Hoping that somehow...somehow she'll be lucky again and he'll show up. 

And he did.

It had become a frequent thing, every time they would have a meeting and then meet in the library study silently together.

"What are you reading today?"

One fine day Hoseok suddenly asked her, forcing Aria to look up at his face.
It was the first time after that day in the corridor years ago that they were actually conversing. 

Secret Gardenias |Jung Hoseok| ✓Where stories live. Discover now