Dramione, Young Love

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Disclamer: I Don't own the sorting hat song for the first year or any of the characters.



" Hermione honey, hurry or your going to miss your train!" Mrs.Granger called from downstairs.

"Coming Mum!" I shouted back as she threw on her robes. This is my first year of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I pocketed my wand and threw my book in my trunk. I read my books over and over again and memorized most of what they said.

I dragged my trunk downstairs so my Dad could throw it into our car.

I walked into the den to see my Mum silently crying as she looked at a baby picture of me. My brown eyes twinkling as I held a large book.

" I'll miss you Mum." I said quietly.

" My baby girl, you grew up so fast yet I knew I would have to let you go sooner or later." She mumbled

" No, don't think that you will never have to let me go you will seem me at holiday and I'll miss you everday till then okay?" I said

" Yes,well I will miss you so much we do have to go so you can catch your train." she said reluctantly

We both headed out to where my Dad was putting my trunk in the back of out Chevy Eco Cruise.

" Are we ready?" My Dad asked

" Yes." I stated all to quick.Its time I head to school.

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