Platform 9 3/4

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"Bye Mum, bye Dad!" I shouted as I got onto the train. I missed them already. I looked around to find a compartment but the only one not full had a boy who was asleep.

I walked in and pulled my trunk up into the little cubbie. I noticed another trunk in there as well but this one looked alot more expensive and had the name 'Draco Malfoy' printed in large bold letters across the side. What a peculiar name, much like mine it was different. I sat back to relax with my book when out of the corner of my eye i saw something leap towards me. I let out a small shriek waking my compartment buddie.

" Bloody hell! Who are you?" Draco cursed.

"Hermione Granger, sorry to have woke you a toad startled me."

"S'alright,...did you say toad where the bloody hell did the toad come from?" Draco mumbled groggily

"Not sure it just popp-"

The door sliding open cut me off. A boy with a rather large nose and chubby posture and a boy with unruly black hair and wire glasses covering his emerald green eyes stood before us in Hogwarts robes.

"Have you seen a toad?" The chubbyish boy asked. I pointed to where the toad was slumped in the corner.

"Trevor!" The boy exclamed running over and scooping it up.

"Thanx, he keeps running away." He said

"Come on Neville we should go find Ron and tell him we found your toad." The other boy said

"Coming Harry, Thanx again."

An awkward silence fell between us. I tried thinking of something to say.

"What house do you suppose you'll be in?" I asked

"Slytherin, my whole family has been put througth Slytherin so I probably will be as well."he said all to quick "What about you?" He asks

"Maybe Ravenclaw, I am smart and hardworking, my parents are muggles so I really have no idea."

"Your muggle-born?" Draco asks shocked

"Yes, I know some wizards only like purebloods and call us muggle-borns Muddbloods because we weren't born with wizard parents. I think it crude to judje someone by their blood." I said very matter of factly.

"My Dad does though but hes not bad man he just has his different oppinions." Draco mumbles half-heartedly.

"Oh I see. Do you care that I'm a muggle-born?" Hermione asks

"Not really, I don't see why it matters but I'm just a kid as my father would say." Draco says

"Oh well thats good then. I think we could be good friends then." I said

"Yes we just maybe." Draco mumbled under his breath loud enough for Hermione to hear


"Are you nervouse Draco?" I asked sheepishly

"A little but not much but you are aren't you?" Draco replied looking at her pale features even her chocolate brown eyes seemed to dull.

"Yes, very."

A hundred questions raced through my head at once. What if nobody likes her? Would i not be able to get sorted properly or not be able to be sorted? Would the Proffesors hate me because I had no wizarding background? What if-

"Its going to be fine I'll be there for you the whole time don't worry." Draco interupted my train of thought with his soft voice. Without thinking I threw my arms around his neck. He was stunned at first but quickly put his hands around my waist.

"Thanx Draco." I mumbled into his chest

The train started to slow and i knew we must be her I looked out the window to see what i though would have been a town or something other than trees and shrubs. As if we had went through a invisability shield of some sort a town suddenly apeared. We slowed more then stopped completely.

Draco and I walked off the train.

"Firs' years! Firs' years over here!" A very large man with a long bushy beard that coved most of his face spoke to us.

Stumbling and slipping they followed him down what seemed to be a steep, narrow path. It was so dark that Hermione though there must be large trees on either side of them. Nobody spoke much. Neville, the boy who had lost his toad sniffed a few times.

"Yeh'll get yer firs' look o' Hogwarts in a sec." The giant called over his shoulder.

There was a loud "Ooooooooh!"

The narrow path had opened suddenly onto the edge of a large black lake. Perched upon a high mountain on the oth side of the lake its windows sparkling in the moonlight sat a vast castle with many turrets and r towers.

"No more'n four to a boat." The giant called pointed towards a fleet of boats sittin in the water by the shore. Harry, Neville, Draco and I chose a boat.

"Everyone in?" He shouted "Right then-FOWARD!"

Everyone was silent, staring up at the great castle towering over us.

"Heads down!" The giant yelled to us as we passed under a curtain of ivy that hid a wide opening in the cliff edge. They were carried along a dark tunnel, which seemed to be taking them right under the castle, until they reached a kind of underground harbor, where they clambered out onto the pebbles and rocks.

"Oi, you there! Is this your toad?" Asked the giant as he checked the boats.

"Trevor!" Cried Neville blissfully, holding out his hands. Then they stumbled up a passegway in th4 rock after the giants lamp.

"Everybody here? You there still got your toad?" The giant raise a large Hairy fist and knocked three times on the castle door.


Thanx so much for reading i hope you enjoyed it

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let me explain whats going on ohk so shes kinda having a few flashbacks of her times with Draco so now that thats settled i will try to update soon


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2012 ⏰

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