Chapter 9.

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Song: New Perspective by Panic! At The Disco


" What just happened? " He said as I went to sit down on my bed. After the ' incident, ' Donovan thought it would be best to leave for a little while to let things cool off. I didn't think that was the best way to end things, but Logan practically packed his bags.

After Logan slammed him into a wall, he also started punching him multiple times. I had to be the hero and separate the two and literally get in the middle of the two so he'd stop. Damage done, Donovan has a broken nose and a black eye along with whatever bruises he got. Alphas and their tempers am I right? Logan left the whole thing unharmed.

I don't know why he suddenly started to care, he hasn't even had a conversation with me in this house and he's all Mr. Tough guy. I get he's my mate, but why now does he want to care?

" I could ask you the same question. " I looked up into his eyes and then his eyes met mine. We held each other's gazes until he broke the silence, " I can't have another man even look at you in a certain way let alone kiss you. " He growled and a part of me felt wasn't mad anymore, but then the other part of me couldn't let this slide.

I sighed and asked the big question everyone has been waiting for, " Do you care about me? "

His face softens and he took a step closer to me, " Of course I do. "

I looked down at my hands and fiddled with them, I heard more footsteps and I looked back up and saw him gazing down at me. Logan is about 6'4 with a really hot muscular build that I'd smash any day if I-.. stop Reagan get your head in the game.

" Why doesn't it seem like it Logan? " I say hopelessly and he sits down beside me on the bed. He takes a deep breath and then starts talking, " Do you want to know the reason I haven't talked to you much? " I nodded my head and waited for him to go on.

He ran his fingers through his hair and that makes my wolf picture of dirty images. I try and erase them out of my mind but it's kind of hard when your mate is standing right in front of you.

" About a year ago, my mother was taken from me, from the pack. It made our pack scared for their safety because we didn't trace anyone being on our land. I've been doing a ton of searching and I realized the people who took her needed to have a potion to mask their scent so they could come and not be traced. " He said and shuffled uncomfortably on the bed. This whole time he's been trying to find his mom? Now I feel like a horrible person...

I put my hand on his shoulder and felt the tingles shoot through my arm and throughout my body, making me shiver slightly. " I'm sorry, if I knew I wouldn't have been-.. "

" It's okay. I get why you were angry. " He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly and smirked, " It was hot though. "

" Hey! " I smacked his arm and he chuckled, " See? " he said referring to me reacting to him. I roll my eyes and laugh, " Whatever. "

" Even when I'm busy, I should make time for you... I'll start now. " He grinned with his pearly white teeth and I tried to keep the drool in my mouth so I just smiled at him.

" We need to get to know each other. " I said confidently and he leaned on his hands and looked at me with a blank expression, " What do you want to know? "

" Hmm.. " I said in thought of what to ask.. I really don't know but I'll just come up with questions and then go along as I go.

" What's your favorite color? " I ask him and he chuckles like it's the stupidest question I could've asked, " Black. "

" Not too bad. " I said and leaned on my hands kind of mimicking Logan. He notices and rolls his eyes with a small smile on his face. Geezus, I thought his brown eyes were gonna be the death of me, now I'm rethinking my theory. His smiles fucking hot.

" Now I gotta ask you one. " He smirked and I got a bad feeling in my stomach. He probably saw my expression and sighed, " What you have some big secret you can't tell me? "

" No actually. My life is pretty uneventful. " I say and he laughs, " Not anymore. "

" You got that right. " I murmur and I got a feeling he didn't hear me because he just went to asking his question, " Have you lost your virginity yet? " He said in all seriousness and I gasped. Wow, we go to favorite color to virginity just like that.

" Yess.. " I say slowly, afraid of my mates response. I'm telling my mate- the one I have been destined to be with- that I have had sex with another person.

" What?! " He growls out and I felt the room shake a bit. My eyes widened at his reaction even though I kind of called it, " Calm down, it wasn't really a big deal. " I say to him. I scoot closer on the bed to him and saw his eyes turning a goldish color, his wolf was on surface.

I started thinking of ways to calm him down and I remembered! I drew circles and little patterns on his arm in hopes to get Logan back and calm him down. I've heard your mates touch helps you calm down.

After a couple of minutes his eyes shifted back to normal and I shifted away from him. But, he didn't like that so he wrapped his arms around me and lifted me up and onto his lap. He then laid his head on my chest. Aww the beast has a soft side.

" Why do guys have the chance to have you before I do? " He murmured across my skin. I felt my breath hitch when his arms went around my waist and my wolf was putting dirty thoughts in my head again.

" You have me now. " I almost whispered and Logan raised his head off of my chest, " Good. "

His eyes glanced at my lips and I found myself doing the same. We leaned closer and I felt my breath mixing with his minty breath, making me somewhat calm.

His lips gently touched mine and we moved closer so that there wasn't any room between us anymore. My hands went to his hair again and felt the chocolate covered locks as his hands began to move lower down my waist.

His hands found its way on my ass and just before the kiss became any more heated a knock on the door interrupted our moment.

I quickly moved off of his lap, embarrassed and covered my face with my face.. why I was doing that.. no clue. He growled at the person who was behind the door, " What is it? "

A guard opened the door and said the few words that had me rushing out of the door in a heartbeat, " Luna, your brother his here to see you. "

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