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Hey guys! I decided to make this fanfiction, well, because to be honest, I love writing. So I thought, "why the hell not?" Plus my mom bugs me so much to do something productive this summer.

I am going to try my hardest to make this fanfic as realistic as possible. I don't wanna be one of those writers that put no time and effort to their story. Trust me; I've got plenty of time.

Lemme tell you about myself and the story, and try to help you connect the dots for you. ALL OF THE CHARACTERS NAMES ARE REAL EXCEPT FOR THE LAST NAMES. So if you take my story idea... you're taking my life too... that ain't cool man. Basically, I am basing this story off of my own "life."-And yes, I do live in North Carolina... (won't tell you where specifically ya creepers,) but I'll just say I live 10 minutes away from the Griers. No, I do not know them personally, and I don't plan on seeing them anytime soon.

Unless they go to the local Target the same time I do.

My goal for this fanfic is to actually use real places, restaurants, etc. Also, THERE WILL BE SEX SCENES IN THIS BOOK! If you are not mature enough, you can either skip that chapter (I won't have a warning because then it'll spoil it for y'all) or not read this at all. It will get heated, so, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Please don't comment "ew" or "that's disgusting" because then I'll just change the rating. Simple as that. I suggest that ANYONE 14+ may read this because I feel that it's the majority of all the more mature fans. So that's enough babbling, let's get on with the story shall we?

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