Larry One Shot - Discovering the Park

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Larry One Shot – Discovering the Park.

Warning; this Is a One Shot for Remembering. You do not have to read the book to understand this shot. In this, Louis and Harry are not together yet and the world still knows about 1D.

Hmm, i don’t know if i like this. Oh well, fuck it haha



“Niall, I’m so bored.” Harry whined. I rolled my eyes at him. Ever since arriving In Ireland Harry had been in a foul mood, always avoiding everyone and constantly moaning about wanting something to do. I should have stopped him really, but a grumpy Harry was a pouty Harry and a pouty Harry was adorable.

Who cared if he was straight? What was the point in acting like I didn’t feel something over than platonic feelings towards him? I might as well enjoy the friendship we had rather than spoiling things.

Niall sighed and glared at him from the other side of the room where he was curled up on an armchair with Zayn. "What do you propose we do then, Styles?” he questioned.

Harry sat up from his seat next to me, leg brushing mine sending little shocks spiralling through me.

“I say we play a game while Daddy Liam is still asleep.” Harry said mischievously.

“And what game would that be?” I asked him while reaching up to run my hand through his silky curls. He leant into the touch and sat back down closer to me.

“Hide and seek.” Harry giggled.

I gasped in excitement and wrapped my arms around Harry’s waist. “That is a very good Idea Hazza!”

Niall grinned at Harry’s suggestion. “Alright but we can’t play it here, there’s not enough space. There’s a park just up the road, we could go there?”

We nodded frantically and all stood up to follow niall out the door. Luckily It was warm outside, surprisingly so for the autumn. Not bothering to grab any coats we hurried out the driveway and down the path, following Niall through the quaint Irish town.

He walked straight through the houses to the centre of town and in the distance I could see the stretch of field he was heading to. We all ran to the grass, and I began screaming and jumping in excitement. Harry joined in, while Niall and Zayn just looked at us with worried expression. I didn’t care. They were just too boring to understand me.

“Whose gunner’ be it then?” Niall asked us through the screaming.

 “That would be you, Nialler.” Harry giggled. He could be such a child! Again, not that I was complaining or stopping him. “It was your idea to bring us here, and it’s your job to find us again.”

Niall huffed, but then covered his eyes and started counting. “One, two, and three...”

“Let’s go curly!” I shouted, grabbing Harry’s hand and frantically running for the nearest cover I could see – a forest on the edge of the field. Games always made me over excited, and today was no exception.

The second we hit a point Niall wouldn’t be able to see us I turned to face Harry. “Let’s run backwards!” I squeeled.

Harry let go of my hand, chuckling at me. “We’ll fall over, silly.”

“But it’s unpredictable! He will never guess what we’re doing! We’ll be invisible!”

Harry shook his head. “Silly Loulou. You can, but I’m not.”

I pouted but Harry still shook his head so I started running (backwards obviously) away from. Because of the awkward position I was slower than him, meaning though I was trying my hardest to keep up a fast pace he was easily way ahead of me without trying.

“I’m going a different way!” He called.

I was going to call back when my back hit something hard and I flipped over what seemed to be a wall, landing with a heavy thud in the hard sun soaked dirt.

Wow!” I screeched. The Impact of the fall was rioting down my back with a strong throbbing ache.

“Louis! Are you ok?” I heard Harry call, and with the rustle of trees I saw him emerge from the bushes.

The second he spotted me he rushed over jumping over the wall which I soon realised to be an old, rusty fence. My heart flipped as I saw how concerned he was about me.

“I’m fine,” I grumbled. “But have I fallen into somebody’s garden or something?”

Harry looked up and gazed around him, evidently shocked by his surroundings. I sat up a little to look around – and woaah, this place was... wow.

Though they were told the rusted skeletons of play equipment were obvious; a swing set missing the seats, an old slide, a seesaw with only one end Intact, and all covered in brambles and bushes rendering them completely useless. In the corner of the park, in the shelter of trees and an Incredible arrangement of rose bushes was a single bench, though slightly worn, still in good condition.

“This is so cute...” I whispered.

I didn’t know why, but I felt like I had to be quiet. An air of calm sort of surrounded the place. I did not want to disturb It. Everything here seemed so innocent...

“Hazza, come lay down here with me. We’ll be strange together, eh?” I whispered together. He shot me a sweet smile (If I had been standing, well, I wouldn’t be any more.) and layed out his long muscular body beside me. I swivelled around to face him, unable to resist a smile at his gorgeous expression.

Without thinking I leant over and briefly pecked his lips.

As I pulled away I sat up a little. Shit shit shIt shIt shIt, I thought. The actual fuck did I just do?

“Let’s go see if the slide still works!” I shouted way too loudly, standing up and holding out my hand. Harry grabbed it to pull himself up though he looked slightly dazed. I tried pulling him but he just stood there. “Come on, Haz!”

He looked at me while his hand rose to his lips. “But you just... kissed me.”

Oh crap! “Erm, I did.” I stuttered. “But anyway, about that slide-“

“Do it again.”


“Kiss me again.”

“But Harry-“

“For God’s sake Louis, do you want to kiss me again or not?”

An awkward silence hung while I tried to understand what he was saying. Was this a joke? Was he messing with me? Did he want to laugh at me? I knew Harry usually wouldn’t, but he had been grumpy, so had that changed things?

“Oh fuck it then.” Harry sighed.

In a flash Harry’s arms were around my neck and oh, he was kissing me again. I could taste tea and strawberries and chocolate, secretly worrying what I tasted like to him. He was smiling, I could defiantly feel that – Harry Styles was kissing me and smiling about It! Pulling away for air he raised his hands to my cheeks to hold my face.

“Now that wasn’t too hard, was it?”

“I... no?”

“Stop stuttering Lou. Actually don’t. It’s cute on you, and rather a compliment to me.” Harry was smirking now.

“But what does this mean?” I breathed.

“Well it means I like you, and I hope you like me too, and maybe this could be the start of something.”

“Yeah... this is defiantly the start of something.”

I smiled and pulled his face in again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 22, 2013 ⏰

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